Hello again folks, I decided to post here instead of starting a new topic because we left off talking about sumps and skimmers and that is what I have a question about now.
I recently bought a 90g drilled reef tank. It was a lick, too. I got the tank, sump, UV sterilizer, stand, 4 bulbs, Icecap electronic ballast, sand, 200lbs. of live rock...etc. I mean everything I can think of and more. Probably a couple thousand dollars worth of stuff for $300.00. Thanks Craigslist.
So I have been trying to get it set up over the past few days and everything seems to be running fine. The sump, drain and return is working, lights work..etc. The question I have is how should the drain line be installed? I left everything as it was when I got it, but for some reason I am thinking the drain line needs to be shorter. It just seems like it is making to much noise because the drain box fills up about 3 inches and then makes a sloshing noise as the weight of the water finally pushes through to the drip pan. What I want to know is should I use a shorter drain line giving it a more direct route to the drip pan? Or is it designed to be used this way? I am still relatively new to the hobby and am brand new to the drilled reef tank and sump and stuff. I want to make sure all is right and I have a real good understanding of how this system works before I proceed any further with it.
These photos should give a better idea of what I am trying to ask. You can see the drain tube coming down from the corner of the tank and the top of the box where the drain tube empties into the drip pan. It comes straight down and makes a U shape going back up about 6 inches at least, maybe more.

Thanks for your consideration in these matters, blood