New Member
Hello everyone! I am reletively new to owning a saltwater tank and would like to share my journey with you all. First off, I was born in Norfolk, VA and raised in Virginia Beach, VA so I have been around the ocean and her fruits all my life. I now live in western NC and my wife and I have decided to start a saltwater aquarium!
We set up our 55g saltwater tank around December 2010 with 60lbs. of live sand, 30lbs. of live rock and the salt + water of course. We added the filter and bubbles at that time but didn't add a heater until we bought our first fish, which were damsels. We added the fish to the tank around February, after ( I'm just guessing ) the tank had fully cycled. Since that time we have added almost too much stuff to name at an incredibly rapid pace according to our friends.
Which draws me to my first question. Is there an average wait time between periods of when I should introduce the different creatures? Aside from the obvious reasons of high levels of nitrates and ph and stuff. I'm more concerned with stress levels and comfort. The main reason for this question is I added a Dwarf Lionfish to the tank yesterday and he swam around, hunted my shrimp, and established his territory with the clowns and cardinals, and now he is sleeping upside down under a rock ( no, he is not dead, he has came out a time or two to hunt my shrimp this morning ). Is this normal? I took pictures of it as well.
Also, my buddy gave me two frag pieces of Candy Cane coral and I would like to know what new growth looks like. One of the pieces he gave us has about 11 polyps on it but I think two are dead. I buried that piece in the center of a live rock with sand. I noticed a couple days ago there are brown sprigs or worms maybe even sticking out of this piece in three different areas. I have been watching them and they seem to be getting longer this new growth or some sort of disease. I took pictures of this as well. The second piece he gave us was real small with only three polyps on it and I stuck it in the crevice of a different piece of live rock with out sand and have not noticed these brown things on it. Both pieces flower out really well at night and extend thier tentacles and eat, so I would assume they are healthy.
Any thoughts or consideration in these matters would be greatly appreciated! I look forward to sharing my aquazoo with you all!

We set up our 55g saltwater tank around December 2010 with 60lbs. of live sand, 30lbs. of live rock and the salt + water of course. We added the filter and bubbles at that time but didn't add a heater until we bought our first fish, which were damsels. We added the fish to the tank around February, after ( I'm just guessing ) the tank had fully cycled. Since that time we have added almost too much stuff to name at an incredibly rapid pace according to our friends.
Which draws me to my first question. Is there an average wait time between periods of when I should introduce the different creatures? Aside from the obvious reasons of high levels of nitrates and ph and stuff. I'm more concerned with stress levels and comfort. The main reason for this question is I added a Dwarf Lionfish to the tank yesterday and he swam around, hunted my shrimp, and established his territory with the clowns and cardinals, and now he is sleeping upside down under a rock ( no, he is not dead, he has came out a time or two to hunt my shrimp this morning ). Is this normal? I took pictures of it as well.
Also, my buddy gave me two frag pieces of Candy Cane coral and I would like to know what new growth looks like. One of the pieces he gave us has about 11 polyps on it but I think two are dead. I buried that piece in the center of a live rock with sand. I noticed a couple days ago there are brown sprigs or worms maybe even sticking out of this piece in three different areas. I have been watching them and they seem to be getting longer this new growth or some sort of disease. I took pictures of this as well. The second piece he gave us was real small with only three polyps on it and I stuck it in the crevice of a different piece of live rock with out sand and have not noticed these brown things on it. Both pieces flower out really well at night and extend thier tentacles and eat, so I would assume they are healthy.
Any thoughts or consideration in these matters would be greatly appreciated! I look forward to sharing my aquazoo with you all!