Wanted to say hello to everyone. I stumbled on this site while looking up some information on some fish I saw at my LFS today.
I kind of got started in fish raising when I moved into my home and built a garden pond in my yard, where seven beautiful (and old) goldfish swim today. The guy in the fish department at the LFS was big into marine tanks and would talk to me about them when I was in getting food for the pond fish, and I got interested, starting in 1994 with a 39 gal. Shortly after that, I move up to a 55 gal.
However, the center support for the 55 cracked recently and the glass was starting to bow out. I used this as an excuse to upgrade to a new tank rather than repair it and I now have a 75 gal that is in cycle. Two blue damsels and a domino are currently helping the process.
My equipment includes a whisper power filter for mechanical cleaning and a Seaclone skimmer. However, I plan to be replacing the whisper with a DIY mechanical.
Lighting is nothing special: a DIY hood with 4 standard daylight flours and 2 actinics, but this is a work in progress. I'd love to go to metal halides someday.
DIY projects interest me.
I do have a question: I'm looking into Bangaii Cardinals once the tank is cycled and would like to hear from anyone on the care and requirements of these guys. I tend to not trust the advice of my LFS. An example of why is when they insisted that I would have no problem with mandarin's in my tank.
I kind of got started in fish raising when I moved into my home and built a garden pond in my yard, where seven beautiful (and old) goldfish swim today. The guy in the fish department at the LFS was big into marine tanks and would talk to me about them when I was in getting food for the pond fish, and I got interested, starting in 1994 with a 39 gal. Shortly after that, I move up to a 55 gal.
However, the center support for the 55 cracked recently and the glass was starting to bow out. I used this as an excuse to upgrade to a new tank rather than repair it and I now have a 75 gal that is in cycle. Two blue damsels and a domino are currently helping the process.
My equipment includes a whisper power filter for mechanical cleaning and a Seaclone skimmer. However, I plan to be replacing the whisper with a DIY mechanical.
Lighting is nothing special: a DIY hood with 4 standard daylight flours and 2 actinics, but this is a work in progress. I'd love to go to metal halides someday.
DIY projects interest me.
I do have a question: I'm looking into Bangaii Cardinals once the tank is cycled and would like to hear from anyone on the care and requirements of these guys. I tend to not trust the advice of my LFS. An example of why is when they insisted that I would have no problem with mandarin's in my tank.