midas man
New Member
My son accidentally added some chlorine water to our tank. I rotate between 2 freshwater refill bottles that we fill from our filtered/RO system. I clean the bottles, every other time, with a 'splash" of bleach and tap water. Then rinse A BUNCH and leave out in the sun to dry completely. One of these bottles found there way into our 90 gallon saltwater tank. I found out after 10 minutes and proceeded to add 8 cap fulls of Prime to the water. An hour later we bought 40 gallons of distilled water, added salt and did a water swap. We have a fish only tank. We lost 3 Damsels within the first hour. What is left is one Engineer Goby (8" long), 2 False Perculas (2" ea.), one Vlamingi Tang (5") , Chocolate Chip starfish and a few hermit crabs. One False Percula is hanging out on the bottom and breathing real fast. The Vlamingi Tang is wedged behind a rock, upside down, motionless but breathing. The other critters seem to be OK so far. What can I expect and is there anything else that can be done???