Help asap!


hi,guys.havent been on in a while, but i have been lurking in the backround. Now i need your help.I have been having problems keeping my ph up for about a week now.I did take sample to local pet store and they readings agree with mine. she recomended a 20 percent water change and to add seachem marine buffer.things went well for a few days and everything seemed to stay level. now 2 days later we wake up and ph is down both days.added more buffer but today i get up and my tank is stressed again and im lost at what to do. this is not normal. my readings this morning are as follows ph 8.0 alk. normal to slightly high, ammon. 0, nitrites .02-.05,nitrats 20, (always has been this) temp is always between 77-79 degrees. and salinity 1.022. please help if you can.i have put so much work into this. 100 gals. 1 naso tang 1 choc.chip star is all we have in there. thanx alot guys!

bang guy

I would suggest not ever using chemicals to artificially raise your PH.
The water change was good advice but you can really mess up your water by adding buffer if your ALK isn't low.
Low PH is a symptom of a problem IMO. Masking the symptom doesn't make the problem go away.
A PH of 8.0 first thing in the morning isn't low. What are you expecting it to be?


Staff member

Originally posted by mouse03245
nitrites .02-.05

Here is your problem. Any nitrites can be lethal to fish. Why are you having nitrite problems?
Also, post your pH, not just alk. Alk is important for corals pH is important for fish.


I have always done my tests in the am and my ph has always been 8.2. This is the 1st time my nitrite has been high,usually it has been at 0. As for the alk. it was low last week when the lps told me to do the water change and add the buffer ( i know now not to add anymore) now alk is slightly higher than normal.But the reason why my tank is like this ,is why I came on line to see if anyone can help me.I didnt know what else to do. There has been no change in anything in the tank.And I have ls.Thanx for the response.Hope I can figure it out.


Staff member
If you pH, is 8.2 then it is perfectly fine.
Do you have aged water, ready to do another water change?
Also, give some info about the age of your tank, type of water you use, and how you have your tank set up. Filters you use, etc.
Has anything died in your tank to cause the nitrite?


my ph is USUALLY 8.2 in the am. it has been lower lately.No on the aged water,but I will get some ready.The tank has been up and running for 4 years and then we bought it from our neighbor almost a year ago, this month.We have a fluval canister filter and a hang on filter.We (I know its bad to) use tap water, but tap water has been used ever since the tank started.We did have a coral beauty die about 4 months ago,but should that make the nitrites go up now? I dont know. We have no live rock,just artificial coral and a fake castle.The only living things in the tank is sand, a choc.chip star and a astrea snail (plus the tang of course) I came home today and the spotting on the tang is gone and he is breathing alittle lighter.I know that does not mean to do nothing, but thats why Im still here, trying to get some help. Thanx!


Staff member
Is a canister filter all you have for filtration? What is the size of the tank?


Staff member
You definately need to add circuation there. Use powerheads. Also, salt tanks need skimmers. I feel that lack of adequate filtration is your problem.