hi,guys.havent been on in a while, but i have been lurking in the backround. Now i need your help.I have been having problems keeping my ph up for about a week now.I did take sample to local pet store and they readings agree with mine. she recomended a 20 percent water change and to add seachem marine buffer.things went well for a few days and everything seemed to stay level. now 2 days later we wake up and ph is down both days.added more buffer but today i get up and my tank is stressed again and im lost at what to do. this is not normal. my readings this morning are as follows ph 8.0 alk. normal to slightly high, ammon. 0, nitrites .02-.05,nitrats 20, (always has been this) temp is always between 77-79 degrees. and salinity 1.022. please help if you can.i have put so much work into this. 100 gals. 1 naso tang 1 choc.chip star is all we have in there. thanx alot guys!