Help...birds nest dying!


I have a birds nest coral (not sure the type but it's a light green with reddish tips) that has been doing really well and all of a sudden almost the entire coral is white! This seems to have happened overnight and I'm not sure what's going on. I've had water tested at two LFS and the tests are conflicting. One says mag is 1060, calc 350, and kh 9. the other says mag and calc are fine and kh is 7.5. There have been no changes to lighting for months...I have an API test kit that says the kh is 12-13, but my Elos kit says 7.5. Everything else looks ok, any ideas on what might have happened? Is is dead?
Also what's with the difference between test kits...if the discrepancy is that great how do I know what to trust?
I posted this on the general reef and SPS forum, so sorry if you had to read it twice.


We had a pink birdsnest that was doing wonderfully and then all the sudden went white as well. It turned out that an aptasia was touching one teeny tiny branch. Killed the whole dang thing. So disappointing. But if I were you I would check for aptasia that could be touching your coral, might be the culprit.
Good luck.


HMMM....For the life of me I can not think of the name
rtd..maybe....rapid tissue disease...I'm sorry..LOL
BUT....have any fish been "resting" on it? I had a yellow clown goby kill mine. It just sat on it....and irritated it to death literally
maybe it's rtn....rapid tissue necropsis LOL....HELP
I've never seen RTN first hand but from what I read it's when the tissue dies and falls away from the coral skeleton. Bleaching IMO is another thing altogether. Can you see the coral tissue and polyps falling off or is it just losing its color?