Help! Clown ate more than he could handle!


I was feeding my clown today, just mysis. well, it looks like there was a long peice that was a good size chuck of food that didn't get 'chopped' up small. my clown went for it and had a hard time trying to swallow it. the result is that half is in his mouth/throat and half is hanging outside of his mouth. he tries every now and then to swallow the rest (because it's just hanging on the side of his mouth) but he spits it out again and then it just hangs because it's attached to the part that he was able to swallow.
What should I do?


Ok, I was watching him...and he really looked like he was stressed. His mouth was open most of the time that the thing was stuck to him, and he was banging his face against the glass...and if that wasn't working (which it wasn't) he was zipping from one point to another. He tried to go after a few other peices of food, but gave up when he tried to swallow because the main peice that was hanging by his mouth would go in too.
I felt really bad for him...being that I'm the one who gave it to him. So I decided I was going to try to get it out. It was actually quite easy. I got him in a net, gave him very little room to swim by lifting the net partly out of the water, stuck my fingers in there really slow...and grabbed the food and pulled it out.
Here's a pic of what I got out. The skinny long part is the part that was in his mouth. All the way up to big chunk of food. The reason I think he didn't eat the big chunk is because it was sharp and hard. It was like a hard scale or bone or something that shouldn't have been in there. He tried a few times, but kept spitting it out.



This was out of a cube of Mini Mysis frozen food by H20 Life.
And it did feel like bone/spine/hard scale or fin. Whatever it was, it was not gonna be swallowed...


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Handbanana
could this be the first documented successful fish Heimlich?
No. Someday I'll tell you the complete story of my volitans who had a boxfish inflated in his mouth. Can you say clam knife and oven mitts?