Help!!!!! **clownfish Experts**


HELP!! i just came home and the new tomato clownfish is all by its self in the corner of the tank and it wont move with its fins frazzled! the only other fish in there is another tomato. what do i do?
i am not sure at all if the new one is female or male, the fish was in a tank by itself at the LFS. its a little smaller than the one i have in there now. not much but it is. its brighter more vibrant orange too. what can i do? i spent $30 on this fish and i am not gonna lose it!

bang guy

I think your new Clown is a female and your current female isn't into that kind of bonding. You need to remove one or they will do it for you.


isn't there anything else i can do b/c i dont have another place for a fish. the big one isnt being aggresive now, but the new one is still in the corner, it hasnt moved! isn't there anything i can do to make the smaller one a male? *i know a stupid question but i thought i'd ask*


i dunno if this helps but here is a pic of the *happy* couple.......the new, brighter fish is on top, the older, lighter fish is on bottom.


new on left, old on right. the only thing i don't understand is that the old fish will not stay in its anemone anymore, its always by the new fish but its never attacking it, it will not leave it by more than a foot. every now and then he will check on his anemone but strait back to that area of the new fish. he is not being aggressive tho. is the new fish MABEY trying to change --- to a male?
If you have a water pitcher, large drinking glass, a zip lock bag, an old fish bag from LFS(when you brought your fish home), a large glass bowl, you have a QT. Put tank water in it, air line tubbing, a cover, go to store and buy a small inexpensive tank. You should have had one ready before you brought your first fish home.
By your description, they have already been setting the ground rules. I would not leave them together any longer. Of course I don't like dog fights either. It is the same principal just in a smaller world and I think it's cruel.