HELP!!!!!! Clownfish getting beat up?


Active Member
you sure you dont have a hidden crab or something? i have heard a lot of stories of beat up and missing fish that went unexplained for months until one day the person spots a gnarly crab in the tank .


Active Member
well your clown will be dead at the current rate if you wait a week to get the peppermint shrimp out... Get a fish breeder net if you have to and contain the peppermint shrimp in that... you gotta have a walmart, *****, petsmart or something near you.
If you get desperate... make te peppermint shrimp walk the plant into the toilet... seriously though, you sure you got the right species of "peppermint shrimp?" There are a few... also make sure its not a camel shrimp as those can definitely be bad news.


Active Member
no its just a regular shrimp. and i dont have very much rock so i doubt i have a hidden predator. my other question is why the heck would the fish let this happen? why not just swim away? ill have to get rid of the shrimp if i see him do it again. ill monitor tonight and see if the shrimp makes a move.


Active Member
Peppermint shrimp are cleaner shrimp. Lysmata Wurdemanni.
The skunk cleaner is a Lysmata grabhami.
Hard to believe, but I would guess not entirely impossible, that the shrimp did this to the fish. Now if the fish was sick to begin with the shrimp may in fact be taking advantage of the situation.
Just because you don't have much rock does not mean you don't have some type of predator.
The fish could have been acclimated poorly and caused him to deteriorate. If the tank is relatively new and you say you don't have much rock you may not have enough biofiltration built up and the addition of the bioload of the fish caused a spike.
Too many unknowns here on your system but I hope this gives you some things to think on and maybe come up with something.


Active Member
thank you for your help. so what is your thought? do i leave the shrimp and monitor or do i get rid of it? i just fed and the fish ate and the shrimp did as well. the fish isnt acting any different then normal


Active Member
I'd do some ammonia and nitrite checking. If all is good than yes I would monitor to verify if the shrimp is really causing the damage. If so I would remove it. The fish will most likely recover if eating and in a good environment.


Originally Posted by patrick8929
yea i have a power head but he doesnt sleep on that side of the tank i dont think
he didn't have to sleep over there, could have just got trapped for that split second. IDK, you definately have a mystery on your hands


Originally Posted by fcatch76
Patrick, do you have a Koralia or powerhead that the tail could have gotten trapped in??
PERFECTLY good example, i agree with this more than the peppermint shrimp turning evil.


Active Member
okay so last night i monitored the little guy. nothing strange going on. the pepermint never made a move and the fish never got stuck in a power head. this morning the tail is the same as it was yesterday. so im going to see how the little guy does for the weekend and the next couple of days. im still not sure the real cause of the tail being messed up. hopefully he will recover.


Active Member
One thing I would do is feed him very healthy food to aid in his recovery. Try soaking some of your food in vitamins, that should help him grow that tail back in no time. On another note, it seems very unlikely to me that a peppermint shrimp did that to your clown, but I suppose anything is possible.


my guess is gonna be the power head. i have had my tanks with peppermint shrimp in all of them. every time the fish come near the shrimp they run off.