Help, coral detaching from rock!


The coral was attached to a small piece of rock with a rubber band. My emerald crab decided he liked the rubber band and removed it.

Now one stalk is coming off the rock and is not fully extended like the other 2 stalks on the rock. Someone please tell me what I need to do for it. :help: Its my first coral and I definitely need some help.

bang guy

There's a couple options.
1 - You could cut off the stalk that's starting to wander off and attach it to another rock.
2 - Put a plastic toothpick through it and rubberband it back to the rock.
3 - Place it in a bag and mail it to me. :)


Bang, the rubber band thing is out...emerald crab likes it too much. So...I'd like to try cutting the loose stalk off and attaching it to another rock! My only question is...HOW?
Do I simply cut around the base of the stalk with a razor blade, and then gently separate it??? And for reattaching, can I use gel super glue for this coral? If not, I'll need an alternative to the rubber band.
Thanks in advance,
Bridal netting works great in place of the rubber band.
If you want to separate it...cut the tissue between the two main stalks and gently peel the loose coral away from the rock. By not cutting the main stalk and simply peeling it away from the rock you are left with a much harder base on the bottom of the coral, that can be glued, since it is not going to expand like a piece of branch or main stalk would. I would consider using bridal netting to help secure it for a week or so until you are sure it has attached on its own or will not come loose. Be sure to use superglue GEL and dry both the base of the coral and the rock you will be attaching it to before applying more GEL than you think you will need plus a little more
This is all done out of the water. After just a few seconds carefully replace the frag, so as not to knock it loose from the rock, into a bowl of tank water to cool the glue (it generates enough heat while curing to damage the coral otherwise) then use a turkey baster or cup to rinse as much of the heavy slime from the coral as possible before carefully replacing it back into the tank.
Good Luck
Place it in a bag and mail it to me. :)
...any particular size?