help, fish swallowed bubbles


just an update on his condition, i left him alone and just let him feed on the macros. along with adding mysis daily for him (although never saw him eat it until recently) he is swimming normal now and looks healthy (eye is still alittle swollen but i can live with that).

bang guy


Originally posted by baytran7
yes it is an eel, it's a banana eel.

Looks an aweful lot like an Engineer Goby.


It is an Engineer goby indeed. Hopefully your LFS didn't rip you off.


Active Member

Originally posted by Nas19320
Has the fish been eating from the surface of the water, have you been feeding dry flake food?

my fish do both of these what would it cause?


thanks, for the kind words. the hilly effect was a powerhead that was unintentional on my part, i have 2 engineer gobies in there but here is the eel, he likes to hide.
i have 3 tangs (1 that i saved from a friend.. hippo)
2 gobies
3 scissortails
2 clowns
1 psuedochromis
1 lawnmower
and the banana eel aka engineer gobie...


dear lord... that's an engineer!? how big is it??
*glances at his engineers, who cause enough trouble at their size... and watches them digging a new hole as we speak... grr*


i have to say, i think that tank looks gorgeous. i am saving your pictures so i have something to look off of when i get my new one. what size is it? and what color background is that?


i used to have problems with them knocking things over when i had smaller pieces of live rock, then i just saved up and got the big pieces. i make sure that they are placed all the way down to the glass then put sand around them. so they can never uproot any rocks. i guess i like them that much to go through soo much trouble with them. thanks todd. it's a 100 gallon with a beautiful background color of algae growing on the glass:) i leave it there so my lawnmower won't starve. the only problems the eng gobies and banana eel give me are then i try to feed the anenomes, they grab the shrimp out of them. so i just have to make sure i feed them first before i feed anything else.


Active Member
What about problems with the eel biting fish? I want to get an eel but would like to have some nice fish as well. Dont know if theyll mix though.


Active Member
ok. Thanks bang:D i might get a snowflake then for my tank, just have to wory about it knocking over any corals or rocks.


viet, i was in the same boat as you when i really wanted an eel for my tank. i got a zebra that i could not get to eat (grocery shrimp) and took him back to the lfs, then i wanted a snowflake but i saw a few posts of them as adults. although both are very cool to own, I just didn't want to get rid of the eel once it got big because i had gotten attached to it. thus settled on the banana eel. it was alittle more then a snowflake but it's priceless to me to know that it hasn't tried to touch my clowns or gobies. and i have hermits as well as snails in my tank as well. theses guys on this board know their stuff but from my experience i haven't had any trouble from the banana in my tank.