Help Guys ! Something Is Wrong With The Gold Puffer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Originally Posted by GTDAROCK
Thanks 316 ! Not yet. I'm still deciding. But I have to decide fast, its getting late, and I have to work in the morning. But my fishes comes first !
How did it work out? I prayed for him last night.

el guapo

Active Member
I would deffinatly get it into the DT .
How about some info on the QT so we can help you to figure out what went wrong , so you don't have a future problem QTing .


Originally Posted by GTDAROCK
live rocks from my display and 1 powerhead

Originally Posted by GTDAROCK

Hey Kirk ! What a mess I have here. Everything was going so good, maybe it was my fault, last night I tried a couple of foods for him,silversides,squid,large mysis, and still no luck. But he did took a few bites out of the formula 1 and 2 cubes. So I guess I have no choice, but to put him in the DT. How long should I drip him-? 45 mins-?
2 things here...
1. I am in no means a QT expert, BUT from what I have read I thought you were not supposed to put LR in a QT..
I tried a couple of foods for him,silversides,squid,large mysis,
All this at once????
Seems like too much food at one time, and the fact that the food got hidden in the rock would lead me to why the ammonia spiked..
Just a thought


Hey everybody ! Thanks for the concerns. I've been really busy at work,sorry. So late last night, I decided on keeping him in the QT. I did a 100 % water change twice, with water from the display, and I added a Whisper hang-on filter from ***** and threw in some Cycle, to jump start it. I went that route, in fear of ich. Many of you guys know about my 220 FOWL Tank Diary, and I've been through a lot with it. And now I finally have it right. I think the QT got real messed up because of me throwing in all different kinds of foods and not removing the uneaten ones. I did always remove some, but I kind of forgot about the ones stuck in the rocks. The reason why I have so many rocks in the QT, is because I screwed up my regular 55 QT with bleach, a BIG MISTAKE !. And the puffer has been in QT for 10 days now, looks good, just picky with foods.Jayson, thanks man, I appreciate it ! EL GUAPO, how are ya-? So about the QT. I have a 55,setup since a month ago, with a Danner hang-on skimmer combo, two powerheads and a few pieces of live rock, I had it fishless for a few weeks,so I got a tip about dosing it with bleach to get the tank sterile, well I put too much in a screwed up everything, and I already had everything setup with the puffer, being shipped and all. So I had to go into emergency mode and setup the 20, with two powerheads, water from the display and rocks also. Should I still put him in the DT-? Yea meowzer, I really messed up bad. Its just that he's so picky with food


Sorry.....I just know I have a horse in a 10g qt..I am doing 50% w/c's daily...and I siphon out all the left over food.
What are you doing about the bleached get rid of the bleach, you can fill it up with clean water, and add dechlorinator and let it sit in the tank for a while.....then empty and rinse really good....that's how I sanitized my tanks....bleach..then dechlorinator..
If your water is testing good, and the puffer is doing this point..why move it? BUT I would test the water multiple times a day for ammonia....


I dried the tank, then wipe it down with Vinegar, then filled it up back, and added Prime. Its been running for a few days. Yea, I just might leave him in there, check the levels everyday, and have water ready just in case. How long should I keep him in there -?


Originally Posted by GTDAROCK
I dried the tank, then wipe it down with Vinegar, then filled it up back, and added Prime. Its been running for a few days. Yea, I just might leave him in there, check the levels everyday, and have water ready just in case. How long should I keep him in there -?
IDK..LOL...He is in there cause he's new right?
It wouldn't hurt for you to do a small water change in the QT every few days...or more if your levels do not stay 0.
You put Prime in the 55g? I am guessing that is a dechlorinator? I never ran mine with the dechlorinator in it.....I let it soak, and then rinsed it out again with regular clean water...Then I added sw, and went on from there...


Yep, he's new. 10 DAYS OLD
Prime is a dechlorinator, its very good.


Yea im a puffer lover as you can see from my avatar :)
They have such personality and do the damdest things. My dog face spits at me if i don't feed him everyday :)


Yea man ! This guy kept me up all night. I'm running on a few hours of sleep today

crypt keeper

Active Member
The 20g is going through a cycle. I think the food had very little to do with it. Food from what I understand doesnt cause trites just ammonia I really dont think leaving food in a for a day would cause that huge of a ammonia spike and trites a long with it. The tank has zero beneficial bacteria growth.
Perssonally if you see zero spots on him I would check the water params as as you get home. If there are trites present I would put him in the DT asap.


Originally Posted by crypt keeper
The 20g is going through a cycle. I think the food had very little to do with it. Food from what I understand doesnt cause trites just ammonia I really dont think leaving food in a for a day would cause that huge of a ammonia spike and trites a long with it. The tank has zero beneficial bacteria growth.
Perssonally if you see zero spots on him I would check the water params as as you get home. If there are trites present I would put him in the DT asap.

HMMM...I am not going to disagree with you cause ...well I'm just not
BUT...with my horse in qt, I was told to siphon ALL uneaten food and waste out constantly or it will cause an ammonia spike.....
Did the op not say he had ammonia of 2??? I'm just curious cause of what I am being told with my qt....

el guapo

Active Member
I'm doing ok GTA.
Food breaking down will cause nitrates and nitrites . Both are caused by the chemical break down of proteins . Food contains proteins . Ammonia , nitrates/rites are symbiotic . That's why its called a cycle . I would continue to do massive water changes . Don't do 100% changes though . Do multiple changes at 60-75% that way your continuously diluting it . Better to have a steady low number then an up and down roller coster on your water parameters.
On a side note your QT should not have LR in it . PVC pipe makes a good hiding spot to provide comfort, As well as its easy to remove to clean the tank and can be stored dry if needed. But a QT should also act as a hospital tank if needed . Lowering the SG (in the case of treating certain issues) in a hospital tank with LR will kill some of the beneficial bacteria and you will start to have issues with stability . For such a small tank use a hob filter to remove waste . You can use any number of cartridges to filter the water through depending on the specific needs.


Hey EL ! I'll stick with the water changes, thanks ! I'll take out the live rock, but can I put it back in my display -? In the sump-? Thanks again for the tips !


Its looks like he's going in the DT. I just checked the readings on the QT, Amm-2.0 PH 7.8, so he is being dripped for an hour, then going in. That's it ! What a ride !


a lot of small pieces, maybe 30-lbs, I took it out from the sump


I was just wondering if I could of bring in anything from the QT to the DT by moving the rocks back in -?