Help!!! Help!!


Let me first let everyone know whats in my tank...
20 gallon with live rocks and some lps corals.
2 clowns
cleaner shrimp
2 hermit crabs
2 snails
1 yellow watchman goby - i just noticed the side of his face looks like it has been eaten!!!! How the heck did this happen? the crabs? What can I do to help this poor fish survive besides a prayer?


I attached a pic. The shrimp seems to be harassing the fish. Could the shrimp have caused this?
I think it's hole in the head syndrom. See if you can research it ASAP I had a fish who had it and it died. I prolly should have done some reading to see if there is anything you can do but never added another fish. Someone else can give u more info though.


Active Member
You need to have another system set up and remove the watchmen and medicate/rehabilitate him. The shrimp and hermits are just trying to do their job at this point... they smell meat.


When I woke up this morning, the fish was dead. I first noticed the issue when I fed them yesterday, when I got home from work. How could this have happend so fast? Do you think the fish had a disease before he was purchased? I only had him for 2 weeks. Could it have been something in my tank?? I hope not. My two clowns are doing fine. Do I need to worry about them? Please give some insight. Thanks

bang guy

That looks like a bacterial infection to me. It may have injured itself on a rock and then got an infection in the wound. New fish are often very prone to darting around at every noise so it could have just become frightened and scraped a rock.
Is the substrate deep enough to allow a goby to dig a cave?


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
Also, is that crushed coral in there? Looks a little big to be sand....
yeah looks like some pretty heavy-duty crushed coral... the watchman (or anything wanting to dig) wouldn't have been happy in that tank.


It is crushed coral and I ectually regret using it. The owner of my LFS suggested it and I agreed. I think the sand would have had a cleaner look and allowed certian fish and snails to burrow. Lesson learned..


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
+1,000,000......It's amazing how many threads this past week have contained...."well my lfs told me......"

Yep.. I used to listen to my LFS... spent a lot of money taht I didn't have to.


I can change it?? really. I hate to say it but "my lps told me" not to disrupt the substrate because it may throw off the tank bio filter. Would making a disruption like this to the tank cause any sort of cycle again?


Active Member
Moving stuff can always have that chance. I would personally take the risk cause I'm very anti-crushed coral... although, some people have had success with it.


You would not do it all at once....I have only read about it, so maybe someone with some actual experience can add something
BUT from what I have read, you will carefully siphon a little out at a time.....and I think you would probably keep some (not 100% on this) so you can add the sand and the "live" stuff from the cc will move into the sand
SORRY.....I am not doing a great explanation job :(


I googled replacing CC with sand. Seems possible. Im thinking about it. Now is the time before I start adding more livestock


Originally Posted by cmonti
I googled replacing CC with sand. Seems possible. Im thinking about it. Now is the time before I start adding more livestock
Very can and has been done...just do it slowly