HELP!! how often to feed?


In my 110 gallon soft coral reef i have been feeding flakes twice a day and half a cube of brine shrimp once a day. Lately some hair algae has started to grow. will cutting back on food help cure he algae? how much do i cut back on feeding?


all that is in there now is 2 chromis, 1 scisortail, 1 catalina goby, 1 cleaner shrimp, 2 peppermint shrimp, and a lotof hermits and snails.


Active Member
Every other day should be fine. Also a catalina goby is a cold water species (70-72degrees), just a heads up.


Active Member
flake food will add phosphate to ur water, fueling more hair algae. r u running any skimmer?


there is no skimmer on the tank, i want to get one thought, got any suggestions on a cheap onethat gets the job done, needs to be a hang on back of tank
I dont have a heater on the tank so i guess the catalina goby will be fine, hes the fish i have had the longest and he seems happy :)


As far as a skimmer, cheaper is not always the best way to go, I would not skimp on a skimmer. I have a Aqua C Remora, was about 140 bucks. But it works great and I am happy.


about the goby- I have had him for about 5 monts, and about the temperature...uhhh...i dont have a thermometer. Verry irresponsible of me
That is about the price rang i am lookin g for for the skimmer, maybe a little to high. I was hoping to spend $100. Is yours a hang on back?


Originally Posted by reefboy1994
about the goby- I have had him for about 5 monts, and about the temperature...uhhh...i dont have a thermometer. Verry irresponsible of me
That is about the price rang i am lookin g for for the skimmer, maybe a little to high. I was hoping to spend $100. Is yours a hang on back?
You can get a Seaclone 150 Protein Skimmer for about$95. I have 2 on different tanks, and for an inexpensive skimmer they work good. They are better than not having one at all....