(HELP) I may have to give up !


Active Member
So is the tank sill listed in the classifieds as for sale, or are you going to keep trying? :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by wax32
Hey, they pronounce toliet "turlet" here in new orleans! And we change the earl in our cars. :D
I was born in New Orleans and lived there for the first 40 years of my life. As I recall a bumper sticker..Minnesota flush your turlets...we need the water.
Long live Buddy D and Morgus!


Sweetlips died and butterfly hasn't eaten in 2 days, while breathing heavy. I am going to borrow a glass hydrometer from my lfs. It will give me accurate readings. Now my salinity is at 1. 14.. ill get it to .9 this afternoon.
I think the sweetlips was affected by the water changes. The purple tang seems to be getting better. and the angel looks fine. I Am going to stick with this tank and keep these fish.. I do have my tank for sale... for a price that will pay for a 240 gallon tank with stand. that i will put sharks and rays in. I would love a clean start,, and look foword to buy that shark and ray book that everyone talks about. I would deffinatley research and have everything before buying anymore marine life. 1 thing is for certain I will have a saltwater tank in my home... it is too beautiful to make me give up completley. If worst came to worst i will keep a few eels in my 125... i only wish there were more free swimming specimans i can keep that arnt so prone to ich that can be housed in a 125

nemo lover

Its not that the fish you bought were more suseptable to ich. It's that all marine life are not suseptabe<sp to bad water conditions, stray voltage, and poor diets. IMO You didn't pick the best beginer fish. I feel bad for your luck, but the only way to be lucky in this hobby is to learn, listen,and educate yourself. How fast did you drop the salinity?
How long has this tank been set up?Why don't you just bring the fish to a lfs, and trade them in for store credit?before they die! what was causing the voltage a ph? heater?


I just want to let everyone know i stuck wih the fish, and I'm feeling quite optomistic about keeping fish currently and for the future. I have been doing Hyposalinity now for a while. I kept the salinity at 1.12 for a while. I just finally got a good hydrometer that gives accurate readings, so i lowered it to 1.09 yesterday. Anyway My fish are almost all clear.. The puple tang is once again ich free Deep purple and im so happy and proud to look at him. The butterfly is almost all cleared up .. some spots on fins,,could be scars. And the ANGEL is weird.. because when i turn the lights on in the morning he has 3 or 4 spots scattered on the body.. but within a lil time they dissapear,, Every day this happens. I cant wait to put all my LR back in the tank.. But i guess i have to wait since i first got the salinity to 1.09. Im thinking 2 - 3 weeks before i quit the hypo. HOW FAST SHOULD I GET THE SALINITY BACK UP. CAN SOMEONE GIVE ME AN EXACT PROCEDURE BEST FOR A 125 GALLON? IM THINKING 10% water changes at 1.25. SO HELP OUT IF U CAN. THANKS ALOT EVERYONE I APPREACITE THE ADVICE. OH YEA I BOUGHT A GROUNDING PROBE AND I WILL QT MY FUTURE FISH lol