Help ID these problems


New Member
First I found what looks like a bristle worm on one end and a plain worm on the other. There are several of these living in my filter and some smaller than this one in the picture.It is living in my charcoal filter. Also can anyone tell me what is happening to my live rock its turning white.What to do about either one of these problems and do I need to be worried about them???



New Member
Thanks I'm on some other sites forums and some people think its to much food and others think it's dieing rock. It seem to react to the water changes by getting more color when I do a change, but it has never changed back to the way it did look in the beginning. I've done a 10% 20% and even a 50% change of water and still it looks like this in a couple of days.I'm thinking your answer is closer to right. Do you have any ideas about the worms in the filter?
Mahalo (Thank You)


I'm not sure on the worms, maybe just young bristles I dunno


The worms are indeed BWs, most likely Eurythoe sp.
The white areas look like an urchin has been gnawing on it and denuding it of all algae, including coralline. You may have a hitchhiker urchin if you didn't put one into the tank.


New Member
No urchins and the parameters are all fine in normal readings I use a dip test strip to test at least a couple a times a week. I do at least a 15% water change( generally a 20 %) every two weeks and clean the filters at least twice a month. It only looks like it is effecting the left side of my tank which is under the stronger lighting. It seems to have an effect on all my purple coralline algae.Could a snail be doing this? I have a large turbo and it seemed to be on these pieces for a long time and then it moved on and now this problem has occured. I also noticed a slight color change in the rock after the water change ( i use only reef water and not a salt & fresh water mix)
Thank You for your help believe me it is greatly appreciated.


New Member
Sorry it takes me so long to reply I work and this is my busy time of year. People want the motorcycles ready and they always wait till the last min. to bring them in. I apologise for this.again Thank You for all your help I truly appreciate it !!!!!!!!!!
I have no Urchins in my tank at least not any I can find. Thanks for the worm diagnosis are they the ones I need to worry about or are they the good one? veve