Help ID this


It looks like aipasta. Which are bad, but I'm not sure if it is. Do a search for a clearer picture of aipasta.

mr hanky

looks like aptaisea to me!! hope it doesnt spread like mine. peppermint shrimp is a good thing to have when your tank finishes its cycle.hth


I always called it a rock anenome. But everyone is right, get a pepperment shrimp. They do the trick. Don't try to kill it yourself because they are virtually impossible to kill and they spread when you try!!!
i just read somethin on them, and it said they were small and almost transparent. Mine is a good inch in diameter and a brownish red color. is it the same thing? I want to make sure it is a problem befor I kill it.


It doesn't look like it, it IS - peppermint shrimp aren't always effective and often times become food themselves. There is a product called "stop apistia" and I have found it to be VERY effective with no ill affects to anything else in my 30 gal.


Active Member
Hi Guys,
Ive got exactly the same on my live rocks, seem to be growing by the day. I have tried squirting calcium and hot water on it and it still wont budge, I guess shrimp is the answer, but ill have to wait until my conditions are ok :(


Looks like aiptasia to me.
I had some... peppermint shrimp didn't work for me. What did work is making a kalkwasser "porridge" and using a medical syringe to get the kalk into the mouth of the aiptasia.
There are several threads on here about using the kalkwasser to eliminate it. One of them was mine, LOL. Not sure if it was in this forum or in the Newbie forum. You might want to check there.
They do spread rapidly, and are bad because they can sting other corals. Catch it while you can! Good luck!


i recently got some LR from my lfs and when i got home i almost shi* cuz there was a aip.. on it ,i have 3 peperment shrimp and by the 3rd day it was gone and cant seem to find it and dont see any new 1`s so i think the shrimp got a hoping anyhow:)
Well, the shrimp are on the way and should be here tomorrow. I hope it works, and this particular one doesnt make a lunch out of the shrimp.


Careful, too, cause the aiptasia IS a type of anemone and it will move around!! Neat bonus, huh?


Active Member
Hey kpoque I don't know where you can rad about it, but I think it happened in my tanka year ago. Grumpyoldman saw it to, it could have just been a new one and the old one died off though. Hey grumpy if those shrimp don't work let me know. We have a syringe and the kalkwasser to put in it at my house.


More than likely that is what happened. Apistia are stationary. They are asexual and multiply by parts of them breaking off. That's why you should never crush them, cut them etc. Unless you actually saw the thing floating through the water whole (everything I've ever read wouldn't indicate this) , I wouldn't think it was the case.


Get some Picklng lime from the grocery store, mix a little up in hot water, put it in a syringe, shoot it on your Aipstasia and watch it wilt away. It works great!:eek:


Aiptasia does move around..seen it for myself. I had just one a while ago. I turned the rock over so that the aiptasia was in the dark. He moved to where he could get some light.


I haven't seen it for myself, but from what I've read on here and researched elsewhere, aiptasia CAN move... it is an anemone, and it can move around just like any other anemone.

Originally posted by Herkemer
Get some Picklng lime from the grocery store, mix a little up in hot water, put it in a syringe, shoot it on your Aipstasia and watch it wilt away. It works great!:eek:

what is picklng lime?