help ID type of snail


tank up for 2 months. only seen this guy twice. once a few weeks ago, then today. he moves fast and hides well...


WOW :eek: I hope you identify that bast***. He killed three of my snails. First time I thought is was just a fluke, second time I thought if he does it again he's history, Third time .....well ..... he's history.
Glad you took a pic, but thats the fellow that murdered my snails. A preditor :mad:
Thats my nickels worth.
actually i have two of those snails, mine are nocturnel, they are my little cleanup crew, they usually live in the sand and poke their lil parascope out

bang guy

OK so you want me to guess... hmmm just a WAG, possibly Cantharus sp.
Yes... definately Carnivore, possibly live food or probably part of the Corpse Cleanup Corp.


looks like a nassarius snail to me.... i hav sum in my tank. it eats detritus, uneaten food, and decaying organics


its not a nassarius snail if you look there is a trunk like appature that comes fom the front of the snail its actually a mouth at the end of it not an eye stalk like on a nassarius snail.
have you seen a decrease in your snail population without an explanation. if so I would move the snail to the sump or something to make sure he isnt the problem. but the whelchs and cochs look similiar and the only way to really know is to look at the foot of the snail and compare it to other snails till you find a match. or someone who knows the anatomy of snail species. I for one dont have a cluse a snail is a snail to me unless it kills another snail then I know for sure LOL

bang guy

It looks similar to one of my Whelks. Different enough to be a seperate specie though.
Here's a pic of it eating a Limpet.