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They are all clumped together and look like the weeds that you find in your lawn and blow the seeds for good luck. About the same size too.



not convinced that there Hydroid jelly's. I did some searching on google and could not find anything like these under Hydroid jellyfish.
Maybe some other advise?
Here is another close up.
I've taken them out to be safe either way.


The hydroids in the hitchhiker thread don't really look like these, I believe they are another type, but they are indeed hydroids...
Here's a clearer pic (I hope), if they look like these then they are definately hydroids... Good that you removed them... now come get mine out!! LOL.


It's wierd, cause when I do a search on them those are the ONLY ones I find. The ones in this sights hitchhiker thread , I don't think I've been able to find anywhere else. :notsure:
Strange how you get one and I get the other.
I got a lot of pics looking for "colonial hydroids" too...


Active Member
darrrrn. I have these almost covering one of my rocks (I think they are actually disapearing). And its at the bottom of my tank.
And all this time I was thinking, well, o well, maybe the wrasse will eat them with alllll the other baddies in the tank
How can you remove them? They are so fine and all attached to the rock. Are they something I should worry about, everything seems to be doing great so far.


Originally Posted by Tizzo
How big can we make these suckers??
i think i have the same thing on my hermits crab, millions of them.. im not sure what thay are..the first pic is the hermit with the lil weird trees on it and the second pic is something weird under my sand. anyone know what might be living in this weird any looking mound?,lol :notsure:



I had quite bit of them underneath my rock work and I bought a few emerald crabs and now they are gone. I am assuming they ate them. Hope that helps.