I will first appologize for not having a picture of the alien creature i just saw in my tank, but i must try to describe it for anyone who might have seen them before. I saw what looked like a small tube fan, however, it's body moved fluidly, and was like a sac that a worm with a very small fan for a head came out of... it was lodged in a rock and looked like it was coming out to feed and it would wrap around the rock stick out it's "fan" and then bring it back in again. but the sac looked like skin.. not like the hard shell of a sea fan. I could see that the body was segmented and the fan was very small, and not webbed like the fan.. more like a tube anemone's tentacles. the diameter of the fan though was probably no more than 1/8 of an inch. If you have any enlightening info on this I would greatly appreciate it! thanks!