HELP! I'm trying to save my friends beloved Clowny...


New Member
My best friend called last night with the worst possible news...while she and her husband went out for a quick bite to eat (they were gone for about an hour) their kitchen caught on fire. She is a equine veterinarian and, like myself - they are childless so their animals mean the world to them. Her rescued Amazon parrot died, her beloved rescued pit bull/rhodesian mix died, her other dog is on life support at the local emergency clinic, and her cat is MIA.
The only animals left are her fish and corals which I'm frantically trying to save.
I was in the middle of a water change on my saltwater tank when she called so I grabbed the bucket of fresh RO saltwater and drove as fast as I could, I set up a tank with all new water and rinsed the filters and equipment as much as I could in a hurry. But the clowny is still in distress, and I'm desperate to save him.
Please give me feedback as to what you would do, I've only had my saltwater tank for a few months so I'm not sure I have all my bases covered. Testing is so far all within normal/good ranges...


Active Member
What do you have the clown in now? What are the water parameters? If a lot of stuff got into the tank it may be hard to save him...


New Member
...but this is my first go at a hospital tank. So it's all new water that I made up last night, the watchman goby is doing well, the pistol shrimp is too, and of course all the hermit crabs are well. It looks like the mushrooms and frogspawn made it as well. The only one that didn't make it was the psuedochromis.
there was a little debris floating on top of the water but the water itself was fairly clear, given the circumstances.
current parameters:
temp 79.3F
pH 8.0 (working on getting this up)
trites 0
trates 0
ammonia 0.25 (will do another water change late tonight or early tomorrow)
any ideas?

tank a holic

Active Member
1st, do the HT parameters match up with the origional DT params?
2, was the clown paired with an anemone? if so how is the nem doing?
3 if yes to #1 and no to #2, turn out the lights and let him calm down
I assume you put the rockwork in from the old tank, not only for filtration but for hiding spots?


Active Member
Definitely do a water change...that will help since there's debris floating around. Nitrates aren't too horrible... the water change will help with that too.


New Member
Well, the other dog didn't make it, she passed this morning. We did find the cat yesterday - and he's doing well, resting with his mom and dad right now in my guest bedroom. Thank God they have one animal left.
The tank is doing okay, however I was out ushering her around all day today so I wasn't checking on the clown every minute, so he's not doing well tonight at all. There's nothing I can do for him now, except keep him comfortable. He's starting to slough his fins...
The pistol, hermits and goby are all doing pretty well. Mushrooms, star polyps and frogspawn are doing okay too.
Just to clarify on questions asked:
I moved everything out of the original tank the night that this all happened and into a new tank with all new water.
I have no idea what the parameters were in the old tank, there wouldn't have been any way to test in the dark with firemen walking over top of me, nor would testing have done any good with all the debris and fire hose water
Clown was not paired with an anemone and yes the rockwork was placed in there too.
and I've been doing a 7 -10% water change at least every day


Thank God you found the cat....So sorry about the rest of thier babies...
You are doing the best you can....They are lucky they have a friend like you to help them


New Member
Well, as expected, the clown didn't make it. Unexpectedly the pistol shrimp didn't make it either, he seemed to be doing fine then we got up on Tues morning and he looked a little distressed and he was gone by Tues night along with the clown. Too much toxicity I'm guessing.
So my friends were able to rent a house next door to their home that burned while they rebuild - they literally can look out the window and watch the rebuild. They also adopted a 3 1/2 month old pit bull on Saturday from the local rescue group. He's a cutie and at least now they have something happy to put their energy into.
Thank you for the help and good wishes. Please hug your loved ones and pets tonight, and spend a few moments thinking about how you can avert such a disaster in your own home.


Active Member
So sorry to hear about all the loss. I hope that the rebuild goes well. If ever have any questions or just need some advice we're all here for you and your friends. Would love to hear updates on how they're doing and how the rebuild is coming along.