HELP!!!!! Killer Crab

love my tank

New Member
This is CRAZY!!!! Last night when I went to turn off the tank lights I noticed something move. When I looked more closely I saw some sort of crab backed up in a little alcove in the LR. He is at least the size of a half dollar and kinda beefy looking. He was clutching a piece of Krill. I just bought a pink tube anemone and was admiring it this morning, then in less than 15 minutes it had disappeared. I searched the tank (I have a 54 gal. corner tank with lots of live rock) and I could see in the reflection that behind the rock the anemone was against, the crab had pulled it underneath and ate it in 15 min. I can't even see a trace of the anemone. Granted, it is behind a rock, but I could see the crab devouring it. There was nothing I could do! I don't know where this crab came from. The only new things in the tank were the anemone and a little piece of recordia. How can I get rid of the crazy crab????


Active Member
lol i just read a thread about a killer sally. seems like your mini hitler comes out at night. i would keep a piece of food in the middle of the tank somewhere that you can get to really quick, wait for him to come out and take him out of your tank!

love my tank

New Member
Ya know, I just bought the anemone over the weekend and it has been slow to acclimate, kinda of keeping it tentacles curled, but yesterday, he had them completely open and they were just flowing, I'm sick over this. This happened so fast, my tank is in the kitchen and I'm constantly fawning over it! It was like one minute it was there and the next it was gone. I couldn't even imagine at first where it could have gone so fast. That stinking crab must have just grabbed it from under the rock and pulled it underneath. My feather duster was out of its tube the night before and was dead. That was before I noticed this crab. It just appeared from no where!!


I have a 12" pink tube anemone. It shrinks down to a little sac on the rock, if I didn't know where to look I would never see it. It shrinks to about the size of a dime.
One time I saw the sally lightfoot digging at the sac and I thought my anemone was a goner. Two days later it was out and happy.
Your anemone may not be dead. Crabs just seem to like the little sac. I added some pictures. One shows his size a little, is the tiny little sac he becomes, and one shows off his color.



Use the Shot Glass method...
At night take a tall glass shot glass & put a piece of Krill or an kind of shrimp in the bottom of the glass, Tilt it on a 45-60 degree angle near the rock that the crab hangs out in or around, Most likely in the morning he will be stuck in the shot glass and having the biggest meal of his life.
It's worked for me several times with Gorilla crabs.
If it works, promise us that you will take a close up picture of this little guy in the glass.