Help me choose 1 more fish. Also please let me know what you think about my tank!


New Member
I'm interested in getting one more small fish for my tank, but im not sure which route I want to go. I was thinking some type of wrasse or a coral beauty, but I want some good advice before I make an addition to my tank. I sadly only have a 30 gallon long (protein skimmer, power filter, etc). I currently have 2 clowns, 1 fire fish, and 1 scooter blenny. I also have 1 star fish and a few turbos. What fish should I Get?? And what do you think about my tank?



first off the tank looks great!

second a coral beauty might nip at your corals and might be a little cramped in that tank.
third i like the six line wrasse you can look at them on this site they are reef safe and will fit in your tank.
fourth you could get some kind of goby i like the clown gobies the yashia gobies, and the yellow watchman goby. you could also get a goby shrimp pair. some gobies will pair up with shrimp.
fifth i like lawn mower blennies they have lots of personality also the canary and bicolor blenny.
sixth these are my suggestion pick what u want and good luck.


Active Member
Is everything in there real? Just wondering, it looks so clean and colorful that it almost looks like fake corals, or painted rock, or something....

I think that a sixline wrasse would be a great addition to your setup...

small triggers

Active Member
i vote for a NIGER TRIGGER, ahahahah
Okay no really, I agree with the yellow watchman they stand out front and are very colorful. Also a longnose or flame hawkfish is kinda neat. A royal dottyback or gramma.


New Member
Besides the live rock in my tank the coral is unfortunatley not real. Hopefully someday soon it will be real! Im acually about to upgrade my lights this weekend! Ive read alot about the royal gamma and six line, but am still debating this one because i know i could only fit about one more fish and want it to be awesome. Im also upset that i dont have live corals in my tank like everyone else does but what does everyone think about my set up.


Active Member
I knew that, but I didn't want to sound offensive. Very clean tank though....and I still vote sixline


Active Member
sorry, forgot to say...I think the tank looks awesome. What lights are you thinking of upgrading to?


Six line can be aggressive. I like the orange spot lawnmower, blackcap basslet, or if you got $$$, a mystery wrasse


Active Member
Ok, I'm coming at this because I was in your situation once. 29g tank, 4 fish.
I would be very careful with nitrates before I would add a fifth fish. You might want to add more LR, to increase filtration.
Also, do you have the LR to support the scooter blenny? I've never had one myself, but know that they mostly subsist off of pods, and I don't see much of a place for pods to develop.
If those two situations are under control, I think a gramma/basslet is an excellent choice. Very colorful, and shouldn't be a disruptive presence in the tank.


New Member
Ill answer several questions in one: Im most likely going to get the coralife 50/50 flourescent light. Ive read alot about that with the Blenny (live rock-copods), but since ive had mine- he eats brine shrimp and eats stuff off the "yellow anenome". Since ive had him he has grown in size. So after some comments im leaning towards the royal gramma. Any more ideas?

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Banggai cardinal will look great. With all that color you have in your tank a Banggai with is black and silver will contrast beautifully IMO


I had one of those ornaments in my tank...the big one on the left with the thing on top, and rubbery mushrooms...yes it was beautiful and my fish LOVED it...BUT, and a big BUT...after a couple of months it ccollected a lot of gook, and when I removed it from the tank it smelled soooo bad, and made my tank smell bad for a couple of days...I finally removed a lot of my fake stuff because of this happening. Now I need to save up to but real stuff though...LOL


Active Member
Blackcap basslet
Royal grammas kinda cool, but everyone has one. I've got Bangaiis and they are awesome fish also, but PLEASE be sure to buy aquacultered bangers if you do go that route. I would do the basslet hands down though. Mine is BEAUTIFUL....Very peaceful too.


Active Member
Just wanted to add about your scooter blenny. You feeding him brine fish is not helping, brine shrimp (when dead) have very very little nutritional value. Unless you get him to start eating mysis or cyclo-peeze I don't think he will last very long. Just not enough live rock and copepods to sustain him.


New Member
Alright so im gonna go with a Bangails if my LFS can get them aquacultured, but if not im gonna go with the royal gramma. About the oranament thanks, so i decided to check myself since its been in for about 4 months. It smelled, but wasnt that bad so i made sure i cleaned it very well. As far as the scooter, is that even it its alive brine? I have 2 more days until Im going to the LFS so they can order me a fish since they only have 4 saltwater tanks. Anyone have any info that may make me change my mind?

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by mabena
Alright so im gonna go with a Bangails if my LFS can get them aquacultured, but if not im gonna go with the royal gramma. About the oranament thanks, so i decided to check myself since its been in for about 4 months. It smelled, but wasnt that bad so i made sure i cleaned it very well. As far as the scooter, is that even it its alive brine? I have 2 more days until Im going to the LFS so they can order me a fish since they only have 4 saltwater tanks. Anyone have any info that may make me change my mind?
do you have a QT tank set up? Id really get those fake corals out of there.