Help me convince the WIFE! LoL


Mine has the "T" on it too, with the extra line to fill the trash can for water changes - just wondering....How did you set it up so the waste water would go into your washer?


Active Member
I opened up the lid on the washer and just put the waste water line in the top, sorry nothing high tech.



Originally posted by Shnabbles
I currently have the book The simple guide to marine aquariums by Jeffrey Kurtz... has been very benificial..but i dont think any book is going to be as good as a forum as populated as this.

You are SO RIGHT!!! I read 2 or 3 different books and didn't find out half of the stuff you can find here. Just be sure you read a lot of opinions before you make your decision. Not everything that works for one will work for you.



Originally posted by Birdy
I opened up the lid on the washer and just put the waste water line in the top, sorry nothing high tech.

Oh - instead of putting it into your drain pipe on your sink??


Does the good water from the RO come out of the faucet??? or what? Is it a inline filter? or is there a seperate line that would have to stay shut off under the sink


With mine it is both ways. Drinking water from faucet on side and tank water from a line under the sink with a valve and enough line to put down in whatever you are going to mix the water in. Mines a 35g trashcan. Holds 25g of water and my ro/di system puts out about 3gph. Takes a while but to me it is worth it.



Originally posted by Shnabbles
Damn i wish i had the go ahead from the wife there is a RO/DI 110GPD ready to go at 78.00 with 45 minutes left

You know you could go ahead and get it and say - "Look honey - good drinking water and our first investment for our new tank. Tell her you got it 1/2 off what a bargain!!!!!!":D


shop for a "used" tank. Check it for leaks 1st of course. That's the best way to buy. I got my 120 w/base rock for $350. As far as a 90 gallon for $90. That's a stretch. I would never shop at *****, but if I could get a 300 gallon for $300, I would change my mind:D .


Do you NEED it??? Depends on who you ask. Would it be really good in the long run....YES.


i mean i definently need a filter of some sort... is a protein skimmer just a better filter? or should i use both? or is one or another ok?


I would go with a penguin bio-wheel 330 filter, and a prizm deluxe skimmer. The two would run just under $100 at the place I go. The skimmer is easy to use, and the filter is just right. It can handle up to 55 gallons, but with the combination of the skimmer it'll be good.


Active Member
i am a newbie here too, my tank is almost 6 months old. i have a 125gal. i have been using distilled water for my top off water, may get a ro/di unit in the future but right now the distilled works for us. under my tank i have a rubbermaid bin that contains my skimmer and pump. i have about 80lbs lr @ 20 or so base rock. my sand bed consists of 2-3" with about half that being live sand.
my point being, you dont need a bunch of gadgets to get started, especially if you dont know if this is something you want to do long term. in fact, the set up i have is what was recommended to me by the good people on this site. the only thing i didnt purchase was the ro/di. lots of people here use the distilled water.
remember to get your heater, thermometer, test kits, clean buckets for maintenance, and also dont forget to consider the QT tank. hope my .02 helps :happyfish


Hey, hey, hey, you're going way to fast... Just buy a tank- Let your wife pick it out... Then, maybe, just LOOK at stands, and if your wife likes it, buy it. One piece at a time and before you know it, she'll be hooked! Then she'll be signing in on this board asking all of these questions. I think that if you look at the WHOLE picture right up front, it can be overwelming, so if you plan to set it up, one piece at a time, before you know it you have a beautiful tank. Takes longer, but to me it's worth it!!!