help me fast


yupp i guess u learn the hard way was the amount of fish the reason the oxygen level droped is the air stone a bad idea


Originally Posted by R-bond
yupp i guess u learn the hard way was the amount of fish the reason the oxygen level droped is the air stone a bad idea
According to everything I have and this site...Air Stones are NOT advised for SW tanks

crypt keeper

Active Member
You dont want an air stone in the main tank. They cause micro bubbles which can get trapped in a fishes gills causing issuse. Put the stone in the filter. Point the power head at the top creating waves. Id get a bigger filter or at least the skimmer. The skimmer will help out a lot.
First of I have never used a test kit in my reef or anyother tanks. I just do weekly water changes and keep under stocked and its fine never had any fish loss or inverts die. What probably happened that there was something wrong you messing around in the tank scared them and some died then others died from the high nitrates of the dead fish. Do a water large water change and inspect every live/dead fish for signs of parasites and let us know what you find.


Originally Posted by crypt keeper
I just read that over again. That sucks. Im betting on the water being oxygen deprived. Way too big and too many fish in such a small tank. I plan on 5 total in my 75 and only one gets over 6 inches and 3 out of the 5 dont get past 4 inches. He had fish that get over a foot long.
R you should only have about 4 or 5 smaller,less than 6 inches, in that tank. Go get a bigger filter and look into hang on the back skimmer. CPR BAK PAK 2 is a great one. This will help with keeping your water in good shape and apply more oxygen to it
Yea 8 fish is way to many for a 55 gallon. I am only planning 4 at the moment for my 75 thinking about one more maybe.
So definitely downsize the list if she is thinking about getting more fish.


lion and puffer back and the problem was the oxygen. she definitely downsized this morning. never looked at the dead fish thy got thrown out early this morning. she is buying the skimmer tonight,and is planning on doing a reef tank with 3 or 4 fish small fish wht kind would yall recomend


i went out and bout the api master reef test kit this morning when i got my water tested,how often shld u test water


Active Member
I'll be honest. Some of my tanks don't get tested very often. But when things go wrong you want to have them there. Peeps with SPS type tanks generally keep close tabs on their parameters..... the longterm sucessful ones. But after a mishap like this, run all your tests and write them down somewhere. I'm going to let the others answer about how often because I may be a little neglectful.


the only thing is how do u test the oxygen i noticed my kit dont have tht. she used her own big fancy kit tht was in a breefcase when she did the oxygen


You say you have a tank full of dead fish and that you just added a canister filter last night.....what kind of filtration did you have before?

eric b 125

bond: welcome to the boards. kudos for taking all the advise these good folks are giving you. it's weird when your LFS and other hobbiests give such conflicting advice. this site is great, and it has helped me a ton.


Originally Posted by Eric B 125
bond: welcome to the boards. kudos for taking all the advise these good folks are giving you. it's weird when your LFS and other hobbiests give such conflicting advice. this site is great, and it has helped me a ton.
thanks for the welcome
...tht is what i love about this site everone will tell u the same thing and everyone knows what thy say or will tell u some one to talk to.this site is byfar the best on the web very clean and fit for any any one to read
all tht maters to me is i know more about this hobby now than i did when i woke up this morning to the dead fish,i may not have payed for them but i feed them and did what i thought was the right thing to do for now with the help of the ppl on this site we can have a sucuessfull tank and not a overstocked impullsed bought tank. i look foward to the info everyone can give me and learn all i can