Help Me Name The New Family Member...


Active Member

Originally posted by DVS
My other Valentines Day present. She's a Brazilian Black and Im trying to think of a name. Any suggestions?

crap I hate spiders
after i got bit by some kind and my finger swelled up like a baseball bat


Well she went through her first molt (with me anyways) yesterday. Ill get ya some pics when she hardens up a bit.



Originally posted by Bang Guy

Thanks BangGuy! I ended up naming her Alzubra. Its a star in the Leo constellation.


When I was in Honduras on a mission trip, we were taking some concrete blocks off of a truck and stacking next to our work area. I stopped for a second and hand my hand in one of the opeanings of the block. I then felt something crawling on my hand and I looked down and there it was THE BIGGEST SPIDER I have ever seen. All furry, the first word out of my mouth was ______ (enter any word you want there, I said them all). I will try to find my picture of it and post it.
I would call it Waste Management.....the name of my garbage company that would be picking it up.



Originally posted by JFDJason
When I was in Honduras on a mission trip, we were taking some concrete blocks off of a truck and stacking next to our work area. I stopped for a second and hand my hand in one of the opeanings of the block. I then felt something crawling on my hand and I looked down and there it was THE BIGGEST SPIDER I have ever seen. All furry, the first word out of my mouth was ______ (enter any word you want there, I said them all). I will try to find my picture of it and post it.
I would call it Waste Management.....the name I my garbage company that would be picking it up.

I used to work for waste management.


Hey jen... how much does a tarantula cost? I was looking for a simple pet for my new apt...since i dont have a fish tank any more.



Originally posted by pwnag3!!
Hey jen... how much does a tarantula cost? I was looking for a simple pet for my new apt...since i dont have a fish tank any more.

Well I got mine for a gift but you can get young ones for pretty cheap. The Brazilians are good for starters as well as Pinktoes. Good dispositions. You can check em out at or Both are great sites and will give you an idea as to what they will run cost-wise. Theyre easy to care for too. I want this beautiful baby, but at $235 a pop for a 3/4" spider... well he'll have to wait...
Good luck, let me know what you decide and if you have any questions, just drop me a line.
Its a gooty ornamental from South India. Sweeeet!


Active Member
do you really want that spider? OMG.............I don't know if I could handle in a cage across the room from me. :nervous: :help:



Originally posted by lovethesea
do you really want that spider? OMG.............I don't know if I could handle in a cage across the room from me. :nervous: :help:
