help me please


New Member
I just bought a yellow tang son sunday. on sunday it was swimming and acting normal. today i got home from work to find it swimming slightly to it's side not acting as it was on sunday at all. whats wrong with it?


Active Member
What are your water parameters?
How did you acclimate it to the tank? For how long?
What size is your tank?
How old is your tank?
What else is in the tank with him?


New Member
i have a 50 gallon tank
i was told to float it for 15 minutes
then add 1/4 water to the bag every 10 to 15 minutes for half an hour
my tank is about 2 weeks old
2 clowns 4 hermit crabs
4 snails
and a half-black angel


Active Member
Your tank probably hasnt even cycled ye? You need to go test your water right now. And tangs need more than a 5o gallon tank. Maybe see if your lfs will hold the fish while your tank cycles


Active Member
Originally Posted by malindamunoz
i have a 50 gallon tank
i was told to float it for 15 minutes
then add 1/4 water to the bag every 10 to 15 minutes for half an hour
my tank is about 2 weeks old
2 clowns 4 hermit crabs
4 snails
and a half-black angel
if the tanks only 2 weaks old it didnt even cycle yet , the tang needs more then a 55 gal tank did your lfs know what size tank u have and how new it was.whats your filtration and water perameters


Active Member
And how about your water parameters? Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, temp, salinity?
Without hearing your water numbers, it sounds like the fish is very stressed out from the information you provided. The acclimation was done improperly and the aquarium is a bit small for the fish.


New Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
if the tanks only 2 weaks old it didnt even cycle yet , the tang needs more then a 55 gal tank did your lfs know what size tank u have and how new it was.whats your filtration and water perameters
yes they knew the size of my tank and i am so new to this that i have no idea what the other 2 questions are


New Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
And how about your water parameters? Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, temp, salinity?
Without hearing your water numbers, it sounds like the fish is very stressed out from the information you provided. The acclimation was done improperly and the aquarium is a bit small for the fish.
well the salinity is ok... all the other stuff that you mentioned i have no idea what that is. i am very new to this how do u acclimate a new fish


Active Member
Originally Posted by malindamunoz
well the salinity is ok... all the other stuff that you mentioned i have no idea what that is. i am very new to this how do u acclimate a new fish
first u need to get test kits for ammonia,nitrite and nitrate what is your sg
and filtration ammonia is very toxic to fish and your lfs never should have sold u that


Active Member
It sounds like you need a test kit. As mentioned, your tank is probably not even done cycling at this point. The fish is not doing well because you probably have elevated ammonia and nitrite levels, which can be quite toxic to the fish.
At this point in time, I would definitely stop listening to whoever is giving you advice. They are clearly lying to you about what is right for your tank. You should not have any livestock in there yet.
Thankfully, you have found us. We will not steer you wrong.


Active Member
Originally Posted by malindamunoz
well i wish they would have told me this
its ok we were all new at one time your doing the right thing by coming on here for guidence


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
It sounds like you need a test kit. As mentioned, your tank is probably not even done cycling at this point. The fish is not doing well because you probably have elevated ammonia and nitrite levels, which can be quite toxic to the fish.
At this point in time, I would definitely stop listening to whoever is giving you advice. They are clearly lying to you about what is right for your tank. You should not have any livestock in there yet.
Thankfully, you have found us. We will not steer you wrong.
lol so much help givin


Active Member
yea just stick to asking questions on here and trust someone will tell you what you need to know and more.
Great website for you to come too.
But yeah get some test kits and see if the lfs that didnt give you any adivce will hold your fish cuz they probably wont make it through the cycle. But maybe they will do just fine.
Do you have any Live rock and what substarate are you using?


Active Member
live sand, crushed coral, aragonite etc? gravel?
Hmm try to get another 30 lbs of that at least that'll help with ur parameters.
What kind of filters do you use??