help me please


Active Member
no porblem. Just continue asking questions, buy some boks and read them. and be patient. trying gettin rid of your livvestock and just forget about your tank for about 2 months, but keep testing waters until cycly is complete.
2morrow start you a thread about the cycle to get help with that and get a lot of info for that or just search it. i would tell you more but your about to go to bed so sleep well and dont worry about your tank.
and remeber take thins SLOW in this hobby. in addition to not cyclying your tank i ust noticed you added ervything really fast way to fast. just ask more questions


Active Member
Originally Posted by malindamunoz
well i want to thank everyone on here for the help that was given i will but good water and a test kit as well.... its getting late and i need to relax b 4 i go to bed. thank you again
Dont worry things will get better

Every Question you have there is some1 here who can help, most LFS's like your need to make money and to do that they will see u w/e u want without explaining how saltwater works, well im glad your learning. Take it slow, im sure your tank will turn out great when its done.