help my buttons


New Member
i have green hair and feather algae starting to cover my corals.. i have a lawn mower blenny but i dont see him mowing the button polyps .. whats going on??

bang guy

Hair algae isn't something they prefer to eat and I don't think they like Bryopsis at all (if that's what you're calling Feather Algae). You might try a Sea Hare and/or a couple Lettuce Slugs.


Originally Posted by Bang Guy http:///t/393241/help-my-buttons#post_3496878
Hair algae isn't something they prefer to eat and I don't think they like Bryopsis at all (if that's what you're calling Feather Algae). You might try a Sea Hare and/or a couple Lettuce Slugs.
if its bryopsis, the only no-doubt way to kill it is with Kent Marine TechM magnesium.


New Member
yea its bryopsis. and that's good that Kent has something to help. i like their products very much.
sea hare are cool. Ive only seen very large ones tho. too big for my tank. i would love a lettuce slug but Ive never seen them available around here. I'm not one to have live animals shipped to me either..


Active Member
Originally Posted by PEACEFISH http:///t/393241/help-my-buttons#post_3496984
yea its bryopsis. and that's good that Kent has something to help.
Kent doesn't have a bryopsis cure, but many have used their Tech M Magnesium dosed to high levels to combat bryopsis.
Google "Tech M Bryopsis" and see what some folks have done.