Help My Mandarin Please! Picked On By The Wrasse!


I have had my 6 line wrasse for about 6 a mandarin about 2 months ago. All is well in the tank until today! The 6 line is like a monster going after the mandarin any time he is around and is seen....he is getting his fins all torn up and it is horrible. Why has the 6 line decided to want to get rid of my mandarin? I know they are both pod eaters. Both are fat and happy....6line AND the mandarin eat other food....90 gallon tank with 130 lbs of live rock....this is so sudden was fine yesterday!! Not sure what to do because have tried today to catch either. did a quick 10 gallon quarrantine with some water change water but can't get one out...need advice on how to catch as well....I want to treat my mandarin and get him well...If I have to choose fish, I will probably take out the 6 line, don't like the aggressiveness although I have never seen this before with it.


Active Member
This is not uncommon for six lines. Often after time, they become more aggressive and will pick on or even kill more passive tank mates. I had one do the same thing. My guess is that one of them has to go.


WOw, Thanks for posting OhioRN, I am sorry that your six line is chasing after the innocent madarin!! I was thinking about the 6 line because my bristole worms are slowly populating and the 6Line eats it, but I guess not. If the 6 line continues to be aggressive, than that sorta limits all those mellow fishes in the tank.
Finding a new home for the 6L sounds like a good choice.


best way i have found to catch fish is to get a piece of plexi glass, kinda like a tank divider, take rock out of one end, place plexi glass in tank, leaving about 3 inch from bottom, chase fish under and push down. now fish is in a very small space, and easy to catch.
p.s., i would opt to keep the mandrin, they are soo peaceful, I just love mine.


New Member
We have the same trouble with our 6 line wrasse. All was fine in our tank until we introduced a Orchid Dottyback, the wrasse went at her constantly for about 4 days, if we could have caught the Orchid we would have taken her out. It has been over a week now and things have settled down, but the wrasse does have a go now and then.
The Orchid is only just coming out of her hiding place and I hope things will be ok, I have also seen the wrasse having a go at the clown yesterday.


hi, thanks for all the responses, it is crazy, because this 6 line has always been peaceful and this mandarin in the tank long enough to get used to each other, all of a sudden!! mandarin, not looking great...up at top of corner tank near filter intake...quarrantine is waiting, gonna try and get the 6line out and give to fish sad because she has been a very great fish. plays with the blenny all the time....but something about the mandarin all of a sudden has her nuts. I am not sure if the mandarin will even make it at this point....hope something works out here soon!!