I have had my 6 line wrasse for about 6 months....got a mandarin about 2 months ago. All is well in the tank until today! The 6 line is like a monster going after the mandarin any time he is around and is seen....he is getting his fins all torn up and it is horrible. Why has the 6 line decided to want to get rid of my mandarin? I know they are both pod eaters. Both are fat and happy....6line AND the mandarin eat other food....90 gallon tank with 130 lbs of live rock....this is so sudden was fine yesterday!! Not sure what to do because have tried today to catch either. did a quick 10 gallon quarrantine with some water change water but can't get one out...need advice on how to catch as well....I want to treat my mandarin and get him well...If I have to choose fish, I will probably take out the 6 line, don't like the aggressiveness although I have never seen this before with it.