Help needed for a newbie!


New Member
I recently purchased a 55 gallon tank that was all setup and running with saltwater (this is my first salt tank). It has a sump with a HOB overflow. It was running when i purchased and brought it home and set it up. It has been running here for prob. about 52 hours. Should i be okay to put a fish or two in it?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by broy069
I recently purchased a 55 gallon tank that was all setup and running with saltwater (this is my first salt tank). It has a sump with a HOB overflow. It was running when i purchased and brought it home and set it up. It has been running here for prob. about 52 hours. Should i be okay to put a fish or two in it?

Welcome to the hobby!
Did you use old tank water, or refilled it with new or a mixture of both? Did you put any freshwater at all on the rocks? (assuming you have live rock) Did you rinse the sand (substrate), if so, in freshwater or saltwater?


New Member
Originally Posted by Flower

Welcome to the hobby!
Did you use old tank water, or refilled it with new or a mixture of both? Did you put any freshwater at all on the rocks? (assuming you have live rock) Did you rinse the sand (substrate), if so, in freshwater or saltwater?
I had prob. about 8 gallons of the water that was originally in the tank. Plus we left the sand in the bottom of the tank with some water. I mixed the rest of the water and tryed to get it as close in salinity as possible to the original water. No, i did not rinse the rock/sand.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by broy069
also the sump was left with water in it.

Good…I wouldn’t add any fish right away…sand releases stuff which needs to clear out after being disturbed with moving and stuff, just to be sure. You need a Marine master test kit. Check for the next 2 weeks to see if you get an ammonia spike…you might get just a very small one. But by 2 weeks you should be good to go since you had an established tank…it is not really any different than a move.
Do you have any saltwater aquarium books? Now is a good time to read up, it will give you something really helpful to do while you wait.
Are going to do fish only or a reef with corals?


New Member
Well i dont have the proper lighting for corals, so i figured i would do FOWLR and eventually get the proper lighting and start on corals. The guy i purchased the tank from gave me Saltwater Aquariums for IDIOTS lol and ive been reading that. By the way i bought some water to my LFS and they said the water was fine for some fish, but they also said to wait two weeks and then bring in another sample. I just noticed that i am starting to get a maroonish red algae on the rock and sand, any idea what this could be from and what i should do to prevent it (if it is bad anyways)


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by broy069
Well i dont have the proper lighting for corals, so i figured i would do FOWLR and eventually get the proper lighting and start on corals. The guy i purchased the tank from gave me Saltwater Aquariums for IDIOTS lol and ive been reading that. By the way i bought some water to my LFS and they said the water was fine for some fish, but they also said to wait two weeks and then bring in another sample. I just noticed that i am starting to get a maroonish red algae on the rock and sand, any idea what this could be from and what i should do to prevent it (if it is bad anyways)

That book is awesome, it was the first one I had as well. Nice, clear and easy to understand language.
The red is the beginning of cyano, an undesired thing.…do you have power heads? For a 55g you need at least 2. One on each side blowing over the rock and sand, this keeps everything stirred up so the filter can carry it away…the current is the life of the ocean and you need an artificial current in your tank. You need to agitate the surface as well for oxygen exchange.
Stuff stirred up in the sand and now settling may have caused it, and I am thinking you have little to no flow.


New Member
no i dont have powerheads. The guy had it running without any, also he gave me some test kits and i just tested the ammonia and it came up with 0. How much would two powerhead run me?


New Member
The guy also gave me a fluval 403 canister filter and a UV sterilyzer but the filters impellar is messed up. I just ordered the impellar so i should have that running ASAP. maybe that would create enough flow?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by broy069
no i dont have powerheads. The guy had it running without any, also he gave me some test kits and i just tested the ammonia and it came up with 0. How much would two powerhead run me?

It depends on the size and type…May I suggest a Koralia power head…they have a magnet so it stays put where you want it, and it can be pointed in any direction, the mag power heads can’t do that.
They cost a little more but well worth it. The Mag power heads have a jet stream, and Koralia creates more of a wave effect.
For a 55g I think a #2 one each side, and maybe a #1 pointed toward the surface. = 3…
I have found that ordering online is cheaper than the LFS. I have seen them as low as $40.00 and as high as #70.00 for the #2s the #1 is about $10.00 cheaper than whatever the place sells the #2s for.
You should also get (not necessary but useful) a small mag power head to use as a pump for water changes…it will save your back.


New Member
so the sump and fluval 403 definetly wouldnt create enough flow? Im just wondering how he had it running fine with this setup. Just get lucky maybe?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by broy069
so the sump and fluval 403 definetly wouldnt create enough flow? Im just wondering how he had it running fine with this setup. Just get lucky maybe?

AHHH…you didn’t mention the fluval, or I missed it listed…
Does the fluval have a flow bar? That will give you enough agitation for the surface. Otherwise just buy the flow bar and you won’t need the #1 I was talking about…cheaper by far.
Using a fluval canister with a sump means he used it for water flow.
Are you sure the seller didn’t just keep the power heads/sold them separately and not sell them with the setup? Because without current, the rocks will get grey dust stuff collected on it. No corals could survive…if it were FOWLR (fish only with live rock) he may have got away without flow…Maybe the original seller has gotten rid of the tank because he couldn’t keep it healthy.


New Member
im pretty sure he had FOWLR.. but who knows he may have had Powerheads and sold them seperatly.
And he sold the tank because he was moving and couldnt bring the tank.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by broy069
im pretty sure he had FOWLR.. but who knows he may have had Powerheads and sold them seperatly.
And he sold the tank because he was moving and couldnt bring the tank.

If the setup worked for him, then you should be alright. The fluval will help allot in water circulation. Just get the power heads as soon as you can…
We like pictures, so post a few if you can.
Oh, as for lighting…use what came with the tank…when you upgrade and are ready for coral…get the best you can possibly afford. The lights are the most singly expensive purchase you will make. I kept upgrading the lights on my system, and I landed up spending a small fortune…if I had saved and got what I wanted to start with I could have saved a bundle.


New Member
I want to get a clean up crew. But not completely sure how many or what i should get for my 55g. Anyone have any recomendations?


Originally Posted by broy069
I want to get a clean up crew. But not completely sure how many or what i should get for my 55g. Anyone have any recomendations?
Have you been testing your water? If so, what are your parameters showing?


New Member

Originally Posted by Flower

AHHH…you didn’t mention the fluval, or I missed it listed…
Does the fluval have a flow bar
? That will give you enough agitation for the surface. Otherwise just buy the flow bar and you won’t need the #1 I was talking about…cheaper by far.
Using a fluval canister with a sump means he used it for water flow.
Are you sure the seller didn’t just keep the power heads/sold them separately and not sell them with the setup? Because without current, the rocks will get grey dust stuff collected on it. No corals could survive…if it were FOWLR (fish only with live rock) he may have got away without flow…Maybe the original seller has gotten rid of the tank because he couldn’t keep it healthy.
Are the flow bars also called spray bars?


New Member
Well i got the parts for the fluval and picked up a few damsels (im a little scared to buy more expensive fish at first lol) Heres a few pictures..

Only problem im having now is im getting cyano.. any help would be appreciated.