Help.....oily water


Well-Known Member
AHHHHH. My water surface is oily! Idk wat the prob could be? Any suggestions? Its a 20L reef with a protein skimmer that skims off the surface and a HOB filter with ceramic bio things, LR rubble, sponges, and chemi pure elite!
Wat could the oil be from? Im gonna wait and hopefully itll clear up...unless someone else has suggestions?


Active Member
Is the heater OK, is this the tank you put the reef controller on. Have you added any new foods?


Well-Known Member
no the reef contoller is on the other tank!
heater seems okay, could it leak at all?
its an aqueon i believe...lights still work on it (off/on) and the heat is still stable!
I have 2 korillia 450 nanos! Plenty of flow!
I feed the same thing everday, once a day, mix mysis...with rods coral and rods herbivore blend! I make my own cubes...
I dont know....i dont wanna do a w/c lol but i may have to!


Try moving them closer to the surface. I had a similar problem and all I did was move me powerheads up to get more movement on the top and it hasn't come back.


This usually shows up in systems where the food is oily and/or isn't rinsed prior to feeding it out, and you're feeding your tank such foods. We've seen this in our lion/scorp tanks every so often if we've been feeding a lot of oily fish to our specimens.
As mentioned, try increasing the surface agitation. Even better, if you have multiple returns, try alternating them. This tends to work pretty well on a couple of our setups as it gets the oil into the O/F more efficiantly.


Well-Known Member
i do rinse my foods..but than i re freeze em when i mix it all and make cubes out of it!
thxs for the tips everyone