Professor, something to consider before you make the plunge. You have not even mentioned "lighting" and that my friend is a big bang to the wallet. Sounds to me that you are where i was about a year ago and i still have yet to get all the equiptment needed. Last year bought a tank and said "and you shall be a reef tank, so it is writen so it shall be done". Well let me tell you. I have to keep going to pet shop to remind myself why i am doing it. The cost is quite extensive. When it is all said and done i will have spent almost $1000.00 or so dollars. Do the research. Make a gameplan. These boards are great but one day you may read something that totally contradicts what you read the day before. I am a bonified n00b when it comes to reefs and i have been reading about them every day, just about,and the more i read the less i know
. There are many many many variations and possibillites to go with on your tank. Just to give you an idea here are some prices of some of the major stuff bought so far.
75 gal tank
$100 (was on sale)
materials for stand--$100 (aprox)
time spent building tank stand--20 hours (about)
ehiem canister filter----$230 (could have gotten cheaper on internet but messed that one up)
220 wt Power compact lights w/ acetenics (the blue bulbs)----$300
friend gave me a protein skimmer
now keep in mind i still have a LOOOONNNGGGGG way to go still. some thing i still have left
sand ---$40 or so/ 50 lb bag (this is just sand its not live)coralife i think is the brand
cured rocks (to be seeded by live rocks) 40 or so pounds----1.50 / lb
live rock 40 or so pounds
about 6.00/ pound
r/o filter----anywhere from $75 (bare bones model) to $300 or so
if you havent noticed yet. I have not even gotten to the expense of stocking your tank with all the goodies. You know FISH and stuff
i am sure there are a couple more items i am forgeting but i think this gives you an idea of what you have ahead of you if you wish to follow the reef path. If you arent bit yet then RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!
Just kidding. I hope this can give you a realistic look at just the financial end of the tank. Dont be like me and think "Hey i have the tank. THATS the hard part." LOL YEAH RIGHT