Help On My Readings Please..Oh Please


I need some help on my KH and PH..My KH reads at 214.8..I think thats a little too high but I heard its exceptable?? My PH is at 8.4 should my PH be lower like 8.2? calcium is 460 my ammonia is 0 my nitrite is 0 and my nitrate is at 25 The phosphates are darn near 0 My salt level is at 1.025 Are these readings all ok or should I get my KH down some.. and once I get that down will my PH lower automatically also?? Waiting to here from you experts on all these readings. I use nothing but RO water in my 125g It is a FOWLR Oh I use pharmaceuticals test kits..I heard that they are all off..Is that true for the PH and nitrate and KH plus the phosphates one? If this is true by how much are they off?