Help On Picking My Fish For 135g


Active Member
Riley, welcome to the forums.
Please research your fish carefully. While some posters may tell you Triggers are fine in crowded tanks, the truth is they are not community friendly fish. Even Slackjawed, on previous posts, has admitted to aggression, fish injuries, and not caring if his Triggers wipe each other out (He stated he would simply replace the fish).
Experts and hobbyists with years of experience agree Triggers eventually reach a point where they often "snap" and can wipe out a tank full of tankmates within hours.
Triggers are great fish for an aggressive display, but if you are looking for a more community oriented tank avoid them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by OSUaquarist
isn't it a wolf eel? Or is that just a type of bleeny?

That particular type of wolf eel is actually a blenny. It's actually called a 'Wolf Eel Blenny'. There are other types of wolf eels and some that get up to 8' in length.


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Can you clarify that? By 18" long, do you mean height? I was pretty sure a 135 is just a slightly taller version of a 125? By depth I mean the distance between the front to back as you look into the tank. If it is 24" deep, then I'd agree a lion would be okay, though issues with tankmates IMO would arise.
That is very useful information. I had always equated porky growth rate to Anthro's. Makes you wonder how old those 2 footers you see diving are....
6ft long by 2ft high by 18" front to back


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Riley, welcome to the forums.
Please research your fish carefully. While some posters may tell you Triggers are fine in crowded tanks, the truth is they are not community friendly fish. Even Slackjawed, on previous posts, has admitted to aggression, fish injuries, and not caring if his Triggers wipe each other out (He stated he would simply replace the fish).
Experts and hobbyists with years of experience agree Triggers eventually reach a point where they often "snap" and can wipe out a tank full of tankmates within hours.
Triggers are great fish for an aggressive display, but if you are looking for a more community oriented tank avoid them.
yes all all my fish are still fine thanks still waiting.postal
mabey if i would starve them ,but i keep them all well fed so i should b good i did loose my pork puff thought "got stuck in protin skimmer " triied 2 save but a eye was gone.sukz gettin a new one this weekend and hopefully my little queen trigg is in too ill keeps u posted


Originally Posted by slackjawed
yes all all my fish are still fine thanks still waiting.postal
mabey if i would starve them ,but i keep them all well fed so i should b good i did loose my pork puff thought "got stuck in protin skimmer " triied 2 save but a eye was gone.sukz gettin a new one this weekend and hopefully my little queen trigg is in too ill keeps u posted

I feel so sorry for your fish. I can't believe you.


Sorry, you misunderstood me. I BELIEVE you, I've seen your pics before. I just do not think it's right, nor do many other people. I feel sorry for your fish. You don't even care if they die...


Originally Posted by kikithemermaid
Sorry, you misunderstood me. I BELIEVE you, I've seen your pics before. I just do not think it's right, nor do many other people. I feel sorry for your fish. You don't even care if they die...
why would they die?
just a rule for the forums, never listen to slackjawed. also, triggers do snap, but only usually agressive ones. you can keep the niger and bluethroat, but avoid the clown IMO. the problem with opinions on SWF is that no two fish are the same, s you will always get arguments when you ask opinions.
when i first got into SWF a few months ago, i went to the LFS for help (big mistake). the guy there did give me great advice though, "with SWF, you will hear a hundred different ways to do things, and while you may only agree with a few of them, most of them do work out." find as many opinions as you can, and compile one of your own based on what makes sense to you


Originally Posted by niskyvaulter
just a rule for the forums, never listen to slackjawed. also, triggers do snap, but only usually agressive ones. you can keep the niger and bluethroat, but avoid the clown IMO. the problem with opinions on SWF is that no two fish are the same, s you will always get arguments when you ask opinions.
when i first got into SWF a few months ago, i went to the LFS for help (big mistake). the guy there did give me great advice though, "with SWF, you will hear a hundred different ways to do things, and while you may only agree with a few of them, most of them do work out." find as many opinions as you can, and compile one of your own based on what makes sense to you
yea just dont listen to me i have a awsome tank guy my bigg undy feeds my eel fish,brings them 2 him but your the "salt water god"
all good i no it works and its kool if people listen to people like you they wood probley have 4 fish in a 500 gal cuz some day they will grow in 2 it


Originally Posted by niskyvaulter
just a rule for the forums, never listen to slackjawed. also, triggers do snap, but only usually agressive ones. you can keep the niger and bluethroat, but avoid the clown IMO. the problem with opinions on SWF is that no two fish are the same, s you will always get arguments when you ask opinions.
when i first got into SWF a few months ago, i went to the LFS for help (big mistake). the guy there did give me great advice though, "with SWF, you will hear a hundred different ways to do things, and while you may only agree with a few of them, most of them do work out." find as many opinions as you can, and compile one of your own based on what makes sense to you
and those comments sound hateful
wow were all wrong then for keepin wild animals right?no i no your not wrong!! u have 1 fish in your tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by Slackjawed
I'm not going to debate with you on yet another thread Slackjawed. Nor am I going to sit back and watch you give bad advise to new members to our community. Your previous posts, including the one I've quoted, show how you feel about keeping fish.
I've posted my opinion, you've posted yours. We'll let the original poster decide based on each opinion posted here who they should believe.


Originally Posted by slackjawed
and those comments sound hateful
wow were all wrong then for keepin wild animals right?no i no your not wrong!! u have 1 fish in your tank
Stop trolling a fish board. If you need to be an idiot go on 4chan or something.
If you are going to overstock your tank you should at least have a plan on what to do with your fish in the future. Right now I have a young volitan lion who won't be large for at least a year in my 75 gallon but I've already found a home for him once he gets too large for my tank. Find something to do with your fish or don't get them, don't have them fight each other for survival in your little glass box.