Help!!! Overflow Installation Question


I just plumbed out my sump and overflow box for my new 125 gallon oceanic tank. I just realized I did the plumping a little incorrectly. I have the bulkhead going downward, not upward in the overflow so the flex hosing is right now clamped on the bulkhead. It is very tight and will not leak. Inside the overflow is just the lip. Would it be ok if I left it like this and inside the overflow put a 1inch pvc pipe upwards inside the lip so the sponge can go over it just like it would have if I put the bulkhead in the correct location. I tested out the sump already and it seems to work great and if I dont have to go ahead and undo everything I would prefer not to. Has anyone ever incurred this problem and do you think this is ok. Here are some pics. Please help me out!!!!!



Active Member
The way you have it is correct! That is the way the BH is suppose to go in the overflow. Now you want to add the standpipe (1") PVC. Make sure the standpipe is taller then the u-tube is deep or you will lose siphon in the u-tube and will not start again when the power goes out. You can add the sponge thing but may be a bit loud, so you can make a durso standpipe. do a search for durso.


thanks tim, what a relief, this Amiracle is a continuous siphon there is no u-tube. Up top there a lil hole and it came with a check-value/air filter to put in that and then connect that to a powerhead so the siphon is continuous. Does that sound right. The 1inch PVC, if it sits perfectly in the lip in the overflow, do I need to glue it or can I just leave it sit in there. How high should the PVC be? Please help, never did this before. Does everything else look ok. I am hoping to add water to my system on Tuesday or Wednesday and Live Rock by Friday. Is that doable.


Tim. I just called Amiracle and they told me I installed it incorrectly but he doesnt see a problem with putting a 1inch PVC pipe inside the lip in the overflow to put the sponge on. He said he doesnt think there is a length requirement for this though. This isnt u-tube, its continuous overflow. What should I do. Should I redo it and have the bulkhead inside or should I just leave as is and put 1inch pvc inside? Please let me know what you think?


Active Member
Really don't know what Mr Amiracle is talking about? The way you have the BH installed is the correct way of installing a BH, so I wouldn't worry about it. I would suggest not only putting in the 1" PVC but add a durso mod (pic). It should be fine just dry fit in the OF, I don't glue anything that is always in water.
As far as the set up looks fine but, I would cut done the drain hose a bit so its more of a straight shot. Try and stay away from that clear tubeing and use spa-flex. The clear stuff will promote algae growth in the lines. Also you have to use connectors to hose barbs which will restrict the flow a touch. If you use spa-flex it will fit directly into PVC fittings. No clamps just glue.


Tim, just confused on one thing. How high should the pvc be. Right now in my overflow, there is just a lip and water will just go through overflow and into sump as sooon as it gets in the overflow box. If I put a pvc pipe in, water wont go down pipe until it reaches over top of PVC. Correct? So on your durso pipe, water will go only through that little whole, so wont that really restrict waterflow? Am I missing something here. Should the PVC be a certain height so the waterlevel in the overflow remains a certain height. I appreciate all your help!


Active Member
The water goes up and over, not through the small hole. The small hole is for air to enter the drain system to allow the water to flow. This mod is to reduce noise which is controlled by the amount of air needed to drain the water. If you where to run the OF like it is it will sound like a toilet flushing constantly.
What is the dimension of the rear box? the small hole (air-take) needs to be above the water line of the tank.
Also you want the waterfall effect from the OF to minimal also to reduce the noise.
So maybe make the top of the durso U shape an 1.5" below the top of the box and raise the air-intake just to the top of the tank.
You will have to play with this somewhat so start long and cut it down as need be.....


Tim thanks for all your help, ok so will water enter where it says street elbow cause the whole will be covered by the pvc so it wont enter from bottom of pvc it has to come through top. You said to have the elbow maybe 1 1/2 inches from top of overflow. Does that mean the water level will always be that high? Will this reduce water pressure. Im using 1800 gph magnum pump, but as you can see it is being reduced by the fact that I had to pvc upwards. The amiracle is for 1200 gph and they told me if the overflow cant handle the pump, just adjust the ball valve. Amiracle sent me instructions on how to install the box and they show the bulkhead being inside the overflow box. Im taking ur advice all the way and if u say mine looks good then im sticking to it. Please let me know what you think.


Active Member
What size is the OF? 600 gph? I think you have way to much pump or not a big enough drain. this is 125 right?
Heres a pic of the durso that may give you a better idea.


125 gallon tank......the hole for the bulkhead was 1 and 3/4 inches and rated at 1200 gph. My fish store said the 1800 gph would be the best b/c by time I plumbed it out and everything I should be ok.


Active Member
What size is the bulkhead 1.75" or the hole that the BH fits in the OF is 1.75"?
B/c if its a 1.75" hole for the BH than its a 1" BH and that will only get you 600 gph, now if its a 1.75" BH then I think you'll get not quite 1200........


I really dont fish store said that the 1 3/4 inch size was for 1200gph and he gave me 1 1/2 flex hose that was a really hard fit over the bulkhead.....if it is the case and I already got the plumbing done.....would I just have to reduce the flow from the pump via turing the ballhead valve and reduce it that way???? I am going to start putting in water tomorrow night. Should I mix like a half in the tank and then 1/2 in buckets. Then I was going to add my crushed coral and turn filters on. Then on Thursday or Friday put 40-50 lbs live rock. Is premium fiji or solomon rock better? Thanks Tim!


Active Member
Does a 1" PVC pipe fit in the BH? The ID of the BH will be 1 and 1/8-3/16" for a 1" PVC pipe to fit in.
Yes you could use a valve but I think that would be a bit to restrictive for the pump. If you throddleing back a pump a bit it usually won't cause harm to the pump but you're talking about cutting it done by 2/3 and that I think won't be good.
You have to base the drain flow by the smallest diameter and I'm betting that thats only a 600gph OF. Did you get it where yopu can return it? 600 gph for that size a tank is a mite small IMO. I run about 800 on my 55 and 1200 on my 120.
If it is a 600 then you are looking at a mag 7 or 9.5 depending on head pressure.
BTW do a search on Crushed coral vs SAND and see what you think before you add the CC......


hmmm I dont know what size pvc is gonna fit in.....the hole in the bulkhead is bigger than 1 inch. I called amiracle and they looked up that the 1 3/4 inch hole is 1200 gph and their 2 hole product is 1500 gph. This is for continuous flow overflows. There u-tubes are different and are rated differently per inch of bulkhead I guess. I hope when I go to turn everything on tomorrow that it all works out. Let me know what you think about this. Im gonna fill tank up with saltwater then Crushed Coral. (I've had bad experiences with sand, and Im only doing Fish only (triggers, angels, ect). so i like having the cc. After I put in the CC its gonna be clowdy. Should I turn on my pump and powerheads or just let the tank sit overnight and let the dirt settle and then turn pumps on. What do you think.
Thanks Tim.


Active Member
What is the model # of the OF? I'm just very curious about that thing. What they are telling you doesn't make any sense to me.
I always ran a lot of mechanical filteration when trying to clear the tank. Are you rinseing the CC well? If you do run all the pumps and stuff just make sure you clean them afterwards...


Tim, I will have to get that number for you....Wish me luck tonight as I am filling tank with water and mixing salt and also using buckets......then checking to see if my filtration works (Siphon) . Im hoping this will be ok..........Then I am going to slowly put in my CC. It said it was pre-rinsed and only light rinsing required. I rinsed it fairly well. Would u recommend to keep my sump on and 2 powerheads. I was just worried about getting all the dust and dirt on bioballs, in the pump, ect. Then I am putting in 45 lbs of uncured liverock on thursday or friday. My local fish guy said that I can prolly put in damsels right away as long as the salinity is ok. I was thinking about monday or tuesday of next week. Can I do that that soon? What do you think about tonight and the filtration and the live rock. Thanks Tim.


Active Member
I wouldn't cycle with fish! The rock should have enough die-off to get things going. If you want to kick start it just throw in a cocktail shrimp and let it decomp. Check your levels daily and wait for it to spike.
I would rinse the CC as best you can with out grinding it together b/c you just make more dust that way. I've never tried it this way but, Put the CC in first and then cover it with a plastic trash bag or plastic sheeting. just make sure its just plastic w/o anti-bacterial coating or something. I always use a pump to transfer the water it takes longer but reduces the mess. When the tank is full just slowly remove the plastic, this should keep the sand storm down.
use some filter sheets over the BB's maybe double it up, if you have a filter sponge then you can place it on the inlet to the pump. Both of these should catch some of the sand if in the water. When all is clear just clean the filtering material and pump impellar well.
Unless you plan on keeping the damsels I wouldn't add them to the tank. They're impossible to catch in a stocked tank. I would just get the cycle done with the rock/shrimp and then add a hardy fish that you want to keep.
I'm stilll betting that the OF is just 600 gph (I could be wrong) so when you start the pump go very slow, it won't take long for that 18 to out run the OF. You my end up haveing to get another 600 gph OF and using them together but we'll see.


Tim, just wanted to give u heads up on my tank last night. Filled whole tank with water. Started the siphon and everything and put a 1inch pvc in bulkhead....Didnt really have room for the durso and its in my basement so the noise isnt an issue. Anyway, we had the pump going for about 20-30 mins and everything was working great. I had the 1800 gph pump going at full force the water level was stable in the tank and staying just over the 1 inch pvc in the overflow box. So I guess they were right and its 1200 gph. Is it safe to assume that? The water level in my tank is fairly high just below the glass shelving on top of tank because that is the lowest I can get the overflow box to go as far as levels. I didnt leave it on overnight cause I just wanted to make sure I would have no flood and I put in the CC last night. Tonight I will leave it on for a good portion. The only problem is my salinity. I got an Instant Ocean Hydrometer reading between 1.022 and 1.023. I have an old SeaTest Hydrometer that I still use at my parents house and that was reading about 1.019 and 1.020. Should I be concerned and which one should I go by. Let me know what you think.


Active Member
the sump is in the basement? the display upstairs? i have a hard time thinking that the 1" siphon is 1200gph drain. but if the sump is in the basement that's about right for head loss.

ahh NM i just jumped in without reading thread ...sry


Tim, one more I said in my previous reply to this post, the water level was pretty high in my tank b/c the way the overflow box hung. I adjusted the screw on the bottom of the overflow so that its out more. Is this ok that the overflow box isnt perfectly level now. Its still siphoning great and the waterlevel is down now. We built our stand and it is perfectly level but now that everything is in it, it may be off a 1/16 inch. Its almost impossible to tell looking at the water levels inside the tank. My parents at home which is oceanic tank and oceanic stand is prolly off more than that. Do you think there would be any cause for concern. Im sure 1/16 is basically level. Acutally on one level, it said it was level, another level showed it was alil off, so thats y I was loooking at the water level inside that tank and you really cant see anything. Like I said maybe 1/16 inch. My salinity still says 1.023 to 1.024 on the one and 1.020 on the other tester. Live Rock (45 lbs) coming on Friday. Got the heaters going and the pumps and powerheads. Everything loooks good so far. Let me know what you think.