HELP Raccoon problems


Here is the deal. I have a raccoon chewing a hole through my roof on the house. I went down and bought a humain live trap to catch it. well the raccoon has out smarted me even on the trap. It flips it over and gets the bait that way. if anyone has ever seen a live trap bfore you know iit is made of mesh wire.
I need help..... how can I get this little critter to go into the trap and get caught?????? :thinking: Would it help if I covered the outside of the trap with a tarp or something to keep her from stealing the food.
any advice will help greatly. I now have a hole in the roof of my house 18" x 8" . Oh yeah I think she is pregnant and going to have babies, so thats why she found refuge in my attic.
I opened the attic the other day to see if she was there and sure enough she was. right next to the attic access hole. scared the s#!* out of me.....

I almost forgot. I have also tried chemical warfare with her, like sprinkeling cyanne pepper at the base of the tree. she now jumps from the fence to the tree to avoid the pepper.
I am dealing with a genius here.
My dog fell for the pepper and was sneezing for most of the day.
SOMEBOBY PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
if already with a brood , then leave them there. She will carry them out soon enough.
If not causing any harm aside from the obvious uneasiness of a family of raccoons in the crawlspace then in a week or two they will be gone and no harm in waiting. The damage has already been done to your roof. I would normally say just to shoot them or something but if already made the hole and already made a nest, then just wait it out, its the humane thing to do.
Otherwise just forget the trap, just toss in some poison *prob solved*
JMO I vote for just waiting it out.


Active Member
I believe you can use stuff called bloodmeal to keep them away. My parents had a similar problem a number of years ago. The exterminator they talked to said to sprinkle bloodmeal all through the area where it was nesting and that it would drive it away. It worked for them...


Active Member
What are you using for bait? I know that the best bait for rat traps is peanut butter. It is very aromatic so it attracts them and the it is sticky so that it sticks to the trigger. They like the trigger harder to get all the peanut butter and that activates the trap. Also deending on your are you might call your animal control center, they might be able trap it for you. Tell them that you saw if foaming at the mouth and your think it has rabbies.


Active Member
When you catch it, you should send it to me so I can have a pet.
We have a campus skunk around here somewhere, I'll bet they could be friends!
On a useful note, do you know if she is just nesting or does she have babies yet?


You could always put that yappy little dog in your avatar up in the attic. No matter what happened you would be rid of at least one pain in the ass

30-xtra high

Active Member
lol.. i'm gunna come off as a hillbilly.. but my family has had 3 families of raccoons live under our deck.. if they flip it, we set a 50lb weight on top, and what are you using for bait?.. it seems to be best if you reach into the trap, and spread peanut butter on the mesh.. it attracts them, and they can't just grab it.., we found that the dog catcher will not take them.. and in my city you aren't allowed to shoot guns.. so we fill a garbage can with water, and just lay the trapp in.. the dog catcher said thats what he did anyways, and shelters said it would be the most peaceful (beside injection of course)


well I have used every kind of bait you can think of, peanut butter, bread, seeds, steak, chicken nuggets, candy, corn dogs, captain crunch, ECT.
I called the animal control and they said they don't deal with raccoons too much, as a matter of fact he did tell me how to make a deadly nerve gas to kill it, but I already knew how to do that. not messing with chemicals!!!!!
She don't have babies yet. I got brave and crawled through the attic today to check out the situation. she was gone. I nailed a piece of ply to the roof to cover the hole.
I built a lientu in the back yard and filled it with hay and food for her. hopefully this will keep her off the house until she leaves.
I live in denver so shooting her would get me atleast a few months, so that in out of the question. anyway thanks for the help. if you can think of any more ideas, please feel free to ad them to the oficial raccoon thread.....


Active Member
I say you call up some friends, build a campfire, whip out a guitar and harmonica and start singing. This may coax the raccoon to come out of hiding and partake in the festivities.
It worked in the Three Amigos.


they can be pretty nasty. I caught one at work and it was barking and growling at me just like a dog would. try a bebe gun or powerwash it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by shogun323
I say you call up some friends, build a campfire, whip out a guitar and harmonica and start singing. This may coax the raccoon to come out of hiding and partake in the festivities.
It worked in the Three Amigos.
lol...I have seen that movie too amny times....
"Blue Shadows...On the trail.."


You might need to cover the hole with a piece of metal, that way the coon can't chew or scratch through it. Thats what we have to do at my family farm when we have animal problems like that. Or you could just call in Dr. Winchester to prescribe a more perminant solution.


cant shoot a gun well get out the paintball gun and shoot the crap out of it turnit a funny shade of pink! or yellow! be very entertaining and will sting like crazy but not kill it should teach it a lesson and wont come back! that wat i do down here in fl. w/ racoons and possims


my dad use to hunt and trap coons...... he always used canned cat food or a piece of bread with peanut butter and sardines on it...... place the trap on the ground by the house and then take a wire coat hanger and cut it in pieces about 5 inches long bend them in half and secure the trap down by pushing those bent wires into the ground with the trap's wire between the coat wire and ground..... that way she can't pull the cage over....... hopefully you understand how I described it to you...... word to the wise..... watch you fingers when you get her trapped cause they will bite you if your not careful....
my auntie had a pet racoon........... it was the coolest thing... very protective though.... she raised it from when it was a baby....


Good news. I got me a coon last night finally. It took a little time but I got her. This morning I took her up in the hills to relocate her in a pretty nice area. One thiong that was wierd though.... She was tame enough to let me pet her. she wasn't at all aggressive towards me. anyway. she is safe from traffic and people now. thanks for all the help. I had to make the trap look like a hole in the ground for she. I built a dead fall over the door so when she went into the trap the rock would fall infront of the door blocking it so she couldn't get back out. The problem was the door wouldn't latch shut when she went in.