Help raising calcium


New Member
hey guy I need help raising the calcium in my tank so I can start with some corals...right now the calcium is around 350ish and have been tring for a few days with kent liquid calcium and no luck..still the same..any one have any suggestions on anything to raise it kinda quick fag swap this weekend..
I have even tried to put alittle extra in, no luck


Active Member
Works good for me. I add a cap full every 3rd day and test. It raises it very slowly and that is the best way. You do not want to go from 350 to 500 in a few days time.
I am using a product called purple up, along with a calcium (don't know the brand). It has brought my calcium up to 450 from 120. It only took a week and a half. I use instant ocean too. It's the only salt my LFS carries.


Active Member
Originally Posted by riccobully
whats the best salt now I am using instant ocean..

IO salt is fine. You need to see what your alkalinity is. If it is too low, Ca will never go up. If alk is low, you may want to try "reef builder". ARe you testing the CA? What is the CA of your water change water? I use IO and mine is ~400-420.

bang guy

Originally Posted by riccobully
hey guy I need help raising the calcium in my tank so I can start with some corals...right now the calcium is around 350ish and have been tring for a few days with kent liquid calcium and no luck..still the same..any one have any suggestions on anything to raise it kinda quick fag swap this weekend..
I have even tried to put alittle extra in, no luck
350ppm is low but not critical. More important would be the Alkalinity level.
If Calcium is being stubborn you could have a high Alkalinity level or a low Magnesium level.