Help! Snails died and sand shifter star fish died


I recently had five turbo snails die in my tank, I removed them and checked the levels. All was good, everything zero, nitrates at 10 ppm, PH 8.2. A few days later my starfish died or is dying, it is not moving anymore. Shrimp are fine, hermit crabs are fine and my one damsel is fine. Anyone have any ideas. I feed them brine shrimp every evening. Please help


sand sifter stars often starve to death after they rid your sand of all its critters. If your other inverts start to look ill, I would have your water more thuroughly tested. What kind of water are you using to put into your tank? Inverts are very sensitive to SG, and metals that could be in your water.
Good Luck!


Active Member
Are these newly introduced animals? How long did you acclimate them? What is your specific gravity? How old is the tank?