HELP!! Something killed my shrooms


My tank is in my office waiting room. My partner called this morning and said that when he came in, the mushrooms were all dead. I take care of the tank so I rushed up here. THe shrooms are dead, shriveled with pieces missing. There is also about 5 gallons of water in the carpet where it appears the sump overflowed. I removed the filter pad which was slimy, so slimy that the water didn't flow through but got backed up and flowed out. My cuck has also been acting strangely since I added new lights a week ago. I was afraid that he was dying. He was not dead this morning but he looks sick. He has not upchucked his guts yet but I removed him before he had the chance.
Looking closely to the shrooms, they all have small white worm looking things all over them. The worms are not moving but appear the be inbedded into the top and undersurfaces of the shroom. Could my cuck have died, caused some king of slime to glow on my filter, and caused the white "worms" in my shrooms. Everything else appears ok- ricordia, zenia, fish, snails, hermits, feathers. What could have only caused the shrooms to die. Is there a shroom paracite? HELP

bang guy

The "worms" you are seeing are the digestive filiments mushrooms expel when stressed.
Mushrooms are notoriously difficult to kill. My only suggestion is some type of toxin. It may not have originated inside the tank. Perhaps some helpful person cleaned the glass with windex or something.
I wish I could be more help. I suggest running GAC (Carbon) for 24 hours and a water exchange.


Nothing else appears to be affected. The ricordia is opened up, the green and yellow polyps are out, the snails are eating away, and the xenia is pulsing away. Only the mushrooms are affected. Let me clarify, only the watermelon mushrooms are affected. There is a purple hichhiker shroom that is fine.