HELP!! What's wrong with my reef??


i just noticed this when i got home from school..but all of my coraline..and i have A LOT..lots of pinks, purples, and reds..they all have white tiny spots all over looks like sand has been thrown on my rocks..but it isnt..its white spots...
also ..i have had a problem in the last month with red slime algae on the bottom of my lights are a little old..but i couldnt see it causing the white spots so drastic over night..the coraline is covered with these white spots..
also..i am not sure if this is drastic or my anemone..that split about two months ago..they have stayed in the same spot..and i come home today and it has moved...
what is going on?? my salinity is a little high..its 1.026..but i just did a top off so that should bring it down..


well i know this is gonna sound horrible..but i don't check my pH, kH, calcium, nitrates, temperature...i used to..but they were always normal..and i guess i just got out of the habit and never bough new kits..but my tank has always done so well..i have never bothered really..i mean my coraline growth has been AMAZING..especially on the rocks..and i have got it on the sides of my tank too..i am always having to scrape it coral growth has been corals open up real well..and always look fantastic...i havent lost anything i just got lazy i guess and quit checking...
its just been in this past couple of weeks everything has gone started after i rearranged some rock and gave my tank a THOROUGH cleaning..and now i have got red slime algae..and my coraline on my sides of the tank and rock have white spots...but my corals are opening up a lot better these past two days after the top off...but maybe the algae is from bad flow??


your levels, or at least a couple, almost have to be out of whack to cause that kind of problem. it is possible that when you rearranged your rock, you released trapped nitrates and other polutants from under your substrate.
you don't even have a thermometer?


i do topoffs....and water changes about once a month...i have a tank temp is 78 degrees...yes actually i have...i my anemone kept stinging my kenya i ripped it off the rock (read to do that on here) and then moved it to another spot..its attatched and doing fine


Active Member
i think that bang guy is only referring to zoox or xenia. They have a poison that they can release that can be pretty potent. But normal softies like leathers and trees usually don't do anything bad.