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hard to say without pictures.
perhaps pods? if so, they are great to have. part of the cleanup crew. if they gross you out, find a miraculous way to catch them and send them my way!
kidding. you can buy fish and inverts to keep the population down if you are exploding. also, overfeeding makes them spread as well. they are beneficial.
i am actually trying to raise my population right now, with an arrow crab and 6 line, they have dwindled. on top of that, my sister bought my a mandarin for my bday, doesnt look good for their numbers now.
it is hard to tell without a pic, though i understand they are so small and you probably cant take pics. do a google for "copepods" or "amphipods" and see if thats what your looking at
i have loads of pods everywhere but these looked like pods that were swimming? idk what there are, only happened when i turned the lights off