Hello there all!
And Happy New Year!
So- - Just another update
1st things 1st, The fish tank. The Solana is doing wonderfully. Remember my Randall's Goby, how he lived with the blue spotted yellow watchman goby? (And then I had to separate them because I had to meddle and added a pistol shrimp, causing them to fight, causing me to put the watchman in a pico tank, causing him to commit suicide by way of the carpeting? Of course you do!) Well, now that I have merged the two tanks, Oscar (Dusky Jawfish) is living with the Randall's goby! I have no idea why this little guy seems to be able to live peacefully with other gobies or goby doppelgängers but whatever. Such an interesting little eco system I control
The clowns are still hosting the rose bubble anemone. And the tube anemone is slowly being restored to his former (bigger and fatter) glory. Which is good. He was kinda starting to waste away on me. Spot feeding has helped tons! I feed him large pellets with a clear, small tube. He seems to respond will to this and has learned that the presence of the tube means food. He used to shrink up when touched. Now, he extends and holds the tube and will pick the food out. It's pretty interesting.
He will also grab small shrimps and things from the water column when I feed the fish. I still feed him two or so times a week. If he is full, he will take the pellet and drop it. Can't overfeed this guy.
Now on to the Bathroom-
So I have some pictures of that for you. And also a few remodeling question.
Firstly, I have successfuly removed all of the cultured marble and all of the green board that was behind it. There was no moisture barrier or plastic sheeting present, I figured that I could leave the green board up and then put Hardy Backer on top of that, but I would like to just put the moisture barrier back there, just to be safe. I Don't anticipate having/wanting to do this again, so I would rather over engineer it and not have any issue with mold or whatever.
I bought the thickest plastic sheeting that I could, Should do nicely. Pretty thick stuff and I am excited to put that up after the framing of the new shower.
We decided to put as many little "shelves" as possible. I am going to use the existing studs and frame out boxes, then hardy backer those and tile them in. Should be plenty of storage. I am going to do 2 large ones for the Bigger shampoo/condition "pump" style bottle. (Ladies, you know...) and then above that will be 2 shorter boxes for small things like razors, small products, bars of soap, etc. Same width I think, but only about 3-4 inches tall. The others will be something like 18" tall. I haven't decided where exactly these boxes will go and frankly, I don't care as long as my stuff doesn't have to sit on the floor.
Here are the questions- I was told to use hardy backer. And unless someone on here tells me otherwise, I guess I'm going with that. I was told don't use cement board or wonder board. Any guesses why? Can't I save money using something vs something else? Where are my other remodel buddies... what did you do? And remember, I live in AZ. It's super dry here.
Other question. I just removed the dry wall that is at the base of my wall and at the top of my shower pan. I found what appears to be field mouse droppings. There is quite a lot of them. I don't see a hole to the outside of my house, I don't see evidence of studs being chewed on. Just poop. So- Should/could I lay something in there to poison the little jerks? If I do this, will it cause them to die in the walls and smell when it reached 116 degrees here (every summer) until they whither away? should I just close up the wall and try to forget that there are creepers in my walls?
What would you guys do? Is there maybe just some type of deterrent that I can lay/scatter/spray that is long(ish) lasting?
Thanks a million for reading along! Maybe by next New Years, this will be completed.
PS- I left the most horrible job in the world, so now I have time to actually finish this stuff up, keep up on the tank, see my Boyfriend, sleep, eat and function like a normal human. Best thing about this New Year is leaving everything about that place behind in 2012.
Hope you all are wonderful!