Help with anemone.



Bought anemone from petsolutions.
Received 2 days later.
Can someone tell me if its dead or alive and what I should do.
Please. This is very annoying matter.
It has this all white stuff coming out of its mouth,


Also wanted to inform. It does NOT SMELL.
It has been SECOND day in my tank


Active Member
White stuff looks like it is possibly eviscerating it's insides. Anemone can sometimes push these out and then after a time they will pull them back in. I think you should,
Not touch it, try to move it, try to feed it.
Just keep a good eye on it for the next few hours - days to see what develops. If it looks like it is totally deflating andor starting to rot and smell by all means get it out of the tank.
Do you have powerheads in your tank? If so you need to cover them with some kind of mesh material so that ifwhen the anemone decides to go for a stroll it does not end up being blended by the powerheads.


I've lost too many anemones to think that is gonna perk back up.......I told you your tank was too new, and if you were still showing signs of NOT add anything...Especially not an anemone. So not to be mean or anything, but let me ask you this.....WHY do you pm me with a million questions, and NOT listen to anything I say


I also got a PM about this, but was unaware that the tank was still new and reading ammonia.
Anemones really need pristine/stable water parameters in order to survive. If ammonia is present, it's going to slowly kill the anemone. It is my belief that this anemone is a goner if it's in a new tank.
For future reference, anemones really should not be introduced into a tank until a minimum of 6 months of the tank up and running and stable conditions. New tanks, even with good readings, usually are not stable enough for an anemone to thrive. They also require high lighting (with the exception of a few, this particular specimen is one that needs high lighting), what type of lighting are you using?
Start running carbon, especially if you're going to play the "wait and see" game.


I say it is his money, let him keep wasting it. Gotta keep LFS in business somehow. He seems to be the one doing it. Since you are tossing money to the wind, toss some in my direction


I don't think anyone cares how much money he wastes. Most people's objection (including mine) is the senseless and needless loss of a living creature.