Help with Moray ID


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Thanks for the research guys. He's coming out better to eat now. I'll see if I can get a better look at his teeth and maybe a pic. I'll update asap.



Originally posted by Tigerlover
lol beanie, isn't that a zebra

yah but my LFS told me it was a wolf. I love the little guy, eats right from my hand at the bottom of the tank. real friendly with the other fish too


Active Member
Ok, after about 40 shots this is the best one. Couldn't get him clear with his mouth open. But, did determine that I couldn't see any teeth toward the front of this mouth. My wife claims she seems rounded teeth toward the back but my eyes aren't that good. Here's another pick. I'll keep trying to get a mouth open shot. Still not getting the best depth of field shot for this camera. Rye, where are you when I need you?:D
Any thoughts?


Active Member
jump, in ur first picture... do u have a snowflake eel in ur tank? On the bottom left you can see the coloring of one. Do ya?


Active Member
hey, i've been thinking. I have strong doubts its a green morray, they have a more 'filled' hear (best way to explain it) even at the juvi state. However, the name of the eel I think urs is is caleld a largeheaded snake moray. That would be my guess.


Active Member
Killafins; thanks for the ID suggestion. I guess I'm going to have to wait and see how he grows. Eating very well. Takes everything offered. I've tried looking in his mouth and I don't see any teeth toward the front of his mouth so maybe he's an invert feeder and not a green.
Yes, I do have an SFE in with him. The SFE is probably twice his size both in girth and length. Great fish.


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Originally posted by j21kickster
looks like a white cheek moray- often sold as a brackish/freshwater water eel

didnt know if you saw- we get them in at work on occasion


Active Member
j21kickster; Do these white cheek guys change much as they age or do they continue to look like this one?
I've read that freshwater/brackish eels are not true eels. Or least I think that's what I read. This guy acts much like other morays I've read about. Sleeps away the day, active in the evening, strikes the same "pose."
I think I'll do a search and see what I can learn. Thanks for the input.


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i know this is off topic but in reference to the SFE being active at night and sleeping during day. My SFE doesn't seem to sleep, I mean I watch it ALL the time because getting one is like a life dream but i just see it stare and sometimes 'fake' bite my pink chromis (who tries to attack it! Seriously, the chromis tries to scare the eel away)... but during night it swims all over the place and it's so funny because my cat tries to catch it. The eel stays in front of the cat and seems to want to get at it while my cat paws at the glass and guards it; makes sure it doesn't escape.
Also, do SFE's have teeth that can puncture ur skin at eight inches length? I have no 'claw' thingy to give it food so i had to hand feed it and i was holding it with my index and thumb and it missed the shrimp and almost got my index finger. So if it does get me will it puncture the skin? will it let go? What happens if it holds on for soem reason?
Srry for intruding on ur thread jump, but just figured i could get some answers. ANd oh yeah, I saw an almost replica in the new TFH magazine of the eel u pictured: typhlonectes natans. I think its not the exact eel but maybe u can use one of the sci names to find the real one?


Active Member
killafins; My SFE is "awake" alot during the day as well. He has a couple of different caves he hangs out of. I think yours is probably acting quite normal. I believe a SFE's main diet in the wild is crustaceans and his teeth are more for crushing than tearing. I would imagine though as he gets bigger he could put a hurt on a finger. You might want to consider a feeding stick. You can buy a bag of wooden shiskabob skeewers for like a buck fifty. I tie wrapped three together to create a really long feeding stick for reaching all parts of my tank. Good Luck with your eel and thans for the ref in TFH. I'll check it out.