i know this is off topic but in reference to the SFE being active at night and sleeping during day. My SFE doesn't seem to sleep, I mean I watch it ALL the time because getting one is like a life dream but i just see it stare and sometimes 'fake' bite my pink chromis (who tries to attack it! Seriously, the chromis tries to scare the eel away)... but during night it swims all over the place and it's so funny because my cat tries to catch it. The eel stays in front of the cat and seems to want to get at it while my cat paws at the glass and guards it; makes sure it doesn't escape.
Also, do SFE's have teeth that can puncture ur skin at eight inches length? I have no 'claw' thingy to give it food so i had to hand feed it and i was holding it with my index and thumb and it missed the shrimp and almost got my index finger. So if it does get me will it puncture the skin? will it let go? What happens if it holds on for soem reason?
Srry for intruding on ur thread jump, but just figured i could get some answers. ANd oh yeah, I saw an almost replica in the new TFH magazine of the eel u pictured: typhlonectes natans. I think its not the exact eel but maybe u can use one of the sci names to find the real one?