Help with my new anemone


New Member
I just got the anemone yesterday and today when I got home it does not look very good. Can someone take a look and tell me what you think?



New Member
We believe that it is a long tentacle anemone. Yes we tried to feed it some krill tonight and it took some.
We think that we may have stressed it out last night moving it around the tank to find a medium current for it. This afternoon about half of it the tentacles are very small and shriveled up, the other half is somewhat normal. The shriveled up side was down and the somewhat normal where up in the current.
About how long before it finds it “home”…this is all new for us.
It also has a reddish foot that cannot be seen in the pictures. It will “root” itself once it has found a good spot…correct???
Also, do you know of any good books on reef tanks?


The best thing to do for an anemone is leave it alone...It will find a spot that it chooses...not usually the one we want though...How old is your tank?, and what kind of lighting do you have?


It's best that you do not move it, in time depending on lighting and current it will find a perm home can take a spot right away and sometimes up to a week, it just depends it will also move around so make sure all your intakes are covered. I have 4 different types of anemones yours looks like a Condy, I also have 2. You can also try feeding small chunks of raw shrimp, it will also deflate this will happen for a couple of reasons 1 to discharge waste which will come out of the mouth, this will look stringy brown in color, 2nd to cycle clean water into tenticles, so don't be alarmed if you notice its deflated, mine also deflates somewhat when I turn the lights out, you might want to google for more info on anemones, you do have a great looking one there..Good luck


Post a little bit about your tank - what kind of lights -how long is the tank been set up -water parameters (ph-amm-nitrites -nitrates - sg etc.)
Anemone should be brownish to greenish in color. If it is white it is bleached. Can't really tell by the picture.


New Member
The tank is 105 gallon.
48 inches wide x 24 inches deep x 18 inches front to back.
The water parameters are
PH = 8.6
Amm = Normal
Nitriate = Normal
SG = 1.022
We have Hamilton Tech. Lights
Two 250 HQI and two 96W Compact FL03 Blue 420NM
It does have a light greenish color to it.

small triggers

Active Member
Good reef books,, anything by Julian Sprung (like "reef journals" would be a good start), Delbeek, Scott Michael,,, Look for books published in the last 5-7 years, nothing older. And check you library first before you buy and see what they have to look at,, great resource.


Originally Posted by Indy2009
It's best that you do not move it, in time depending on lighting and current it will find a perm home can take a spot right away and sometimes up to a week, it just depends it will also move around so make sure all your intakes are covered. I have 4 different types of anemones yours looks like a Condy, I also have 2. You can also try feeding small chunks of raw shrimp, it will also deflate this will happen for a couple of reasons 1 to discharge waste which will come out of the mouth, this will look stringy brown in color, 2nd to cycle clean water into tenticles, so don't be alarmed if you notice its deflated, mine also deflates somewhat when I turn the lights out, you might want to google for more info on anemones, you do have a great looking one there..Good luck

when u say raw shrimp do u mean the ones we eat like regular shrimp? I have a BTA and heard about feeding them that but wasn't sure what kind?


Couldn't tell what color it was because of the lights. Seems like everything is ok for the nem. Just leave it alone as stated above, it will go where it feels comfortable.


New Member
We have mushrooms, leathers, zoos, kenya tree coral and fish. Yes we have a protein skimmer and we do water changes every two weeks.


New Member
The sizes that you gave us put your tank at 90 gallons not 105, just thought you should know.


New Member
Thanks Paul for the clarification

The height is actually is 28"
When calculating the volume do you use the outside dims. or the inside? The dims that have are outside…and with the thick glass that will reduce it…