Help with urchin...Bang guy?????



I posted a thread about this in the Fish section, but did not get alot of help, but also i have more to add to my question...
PH-8.6(I know i am working on getting it up)
:help: I just bought a short spine urchin and he does not move much at all and his spines are not up and out, they are down at the ground when he is in the tank and he does move really at all...But when i picked him up to see if he was ok, he started to move his spines and they were all in the air and then when i set him back down, after a short while his spines went back down and has not moved since(that was last night)...I acclimated for an hour and the last 30mins i added a little water every 10mins...So i have no idea what is wrong, so if anyone could help me that would be great... Also is there something i can add to the tank or even set him on to make sure he is getting all the food he needs? Please somebody help me out...Thanks in advance.:help:


urchins dont move too much during the day and also when first introduced. If his spines are moving then that is a good sign. When the spines start to fall off then you need to worry.
I assuming you have a pinchusion urchin. i feed my urchins nori (seaweed) ocassionaly but they mostly eat algea off the rocks and glass.



Originally posted by fishtanker
urchins dont move too much during the day and also when first introduced. If his spines are moving then that is a good sign. When the spines start to fall off then you need to worry.
I assuming you have a pinchusion urchin. i feed my urchins nori (seaweed) ocassionaly but they mostly eat algea off the rocks and glass.

Yeah they are not falling off...but even last night he did not move at all...I had a tuxedo urchin and he criused all over the tank...Where did you get nori from and was a certain kind? Please let me know and thanks for your help...



Originally posted by _Blank_
I posted a thread about this in the Fish section, but did not get alot of help, but also i have more to add to my question...
PH-8.6(I know i am working on getting it up)

I hope you meant getting it down. The pH, I mean.:)


Active Member

Originally posted by _Blank_
I acclimated for an hour and the last 30mins i added a little water every 10mins...So i have no idea what is wrong, so if anyone could help me that would be great...

This could be part of the problem. That is a fast acclimation to only add water 3 times. It should be done over a course of at least an hour and more often with small amounts of water. I dont know how much PH will affect them either (never had to deal with that). Just give it time to try to adjust. If the spines do start to drop then I dont think there is much else you can do.